Chapter XXXIII

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Joels POV

I walk around a little staying low and avoiding the Hunters. I walk outside and sneak behind a guy and strangle him. I walk away and hide behind a police car. I walk behind another car then I go into a building and a guy saw me. I kill two guys but that damned truck is shooting at me. I run and jump through a window that leads to an office and I loot some things. I walk to another room and jump through a window then walk down an alley where a guy sees me again and starts to shoot at me.

I kill two of them and I walk through an alley and hide behind a van. The truck still shoots at me and I run down an alley again and then walk into a room. I walk up some stairs and go through a door. I walk around a little and then get into another room and climb through a window onto some steps outside. I walk up them and there's some wood across a gap.

"I think we lost 'em." I walk across the wood and then walk along a narrow ledge. I jump through a window into an apartment, looting some things in a bedroom and then I walk through a door and go into a kitchen. I go through a window and I walk along another narrow ledge.

I see the truck drive through the street.

"Oh shit." Ellie whispers.

"We're okay, they can't see us." I continue walking along the ledge and I climb into another window. I get in and someone grabs my neck from behind. I try and pry his arms off of me and I slam his back against a wall. Ellie attacks him but the man strangling me pushes her on the ground.

"What the fuck?" The guy asks and I grab his head.

"Sonofa-" I slam it against the wall hard, but not enough to kill him. Then I flip him over onto the ground and I start to punch him.

"Joel." Ellie says. I punch the guy.

"Wait. Wait!" He yells and I keep punching him.

"Joel, stop!" Ellie says and I do. "Look." She points at the door and I see a little boy pointing a gun at us.

"Leave him alone." He says and Ellie holds her hands up and I stand up putting my hands up also.

"Easy, son. Just take it easy." I say.

"It's alright." The guy on the ground says. "They're not the bad guys. Lower the gun."

The little kid lowers the gun.

"Man, you hit hard." The guy says pulling himself up slowly.

"Yeah, well, I was trying to kill you." I answer. He turns to me.

"Yeah, I thought you were one of them too. Then I saw you." He points to Ellie. "If you haven't noticed, they don't keep kids around. Survival of the fittest." The little boy looks at the older man.

"You're bleeding." He says.

"Ah, it's nothing." The older man waves him away and takes the gun out of the kids hands and they both look at us. "I'm Henry. This is Sam. I think I caught your name was Joel?"

"Ellie." Ellie says. I look at Henry.

"How many are with you?"

"They're all dead." Sam answers as Henry wraps his bloody arm. Henry looks at him.

"Hey. We don't know that." He says and continues wrapping his arm. "There were a bunch of us." He finishes wrapping his arm. "Someone had the brilliant idea of entering the city. Look for supplies." He ties his arm. "Those fuckers - they ambushed us. Scattered us. Now it's all about getting out of this shithole."

"We can help each other." Ellie says and I hold her back.


"Safety in numbers and all that." I look at her and Henry speaks up.

"She's right. We could help each other. We got a hideout not far from here. Be safer if we chat there." I look at Ellie then back at the two guys.

"Alright, take us there." I say.

"Follow me." Henry says and we walk through a door. Ellie and Sam start to talk.

"Sorry about the whole gun thing." Sam says.

"Don't worry. I would've probably done the same thing. Where you from?" Ellie questions.

"All the way from Hartford."

"Really? I heard some bad stuff going on down there."

"Yeah, the military abandoned the zone. It's why we left. Place probably looks like this by now." We keep following Henry.


And Chapter 33 everyone. Well now you met Sam and Henry. They're brothers by the way. Let's see if Joel trusts these two brothers. You're welcome for updating. I might update again.





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