Chapter LX

630 9 2

Joel's POV

I quickly run and hide behind a wall. Time to give them hell.

I throw a nail bomb at two guys and it explodes, also exploding the men. I hop through a window and crouch down low when I see a guy pass the door, and I quickly grab my bow. I exit out of the room and hide behind an air duct and there's a guy in front of me, I shoot him in the head with my bow. I slowly walk to his dead body, retrieve the arrow and I pick up a new gun. An assault rifle. I run down the hall and hide behind some tables and slowly walk forward. I see threw more guys and I throw a nail bomb at them, which also makes them explode.

I see a flashlight coming down the hall which means there's a guy coming. I wait until he's close and I grab him around the neck, pull him behind some boxes and strangle him. The other guy almost seeing but he doesn't. He comes near and I also strangle him, taking some ammo he dropped. I continue on and get to the three guys I blew up with the nail bomb and I grab some of their ammo. I check my surroundings making sure no other soldiers are around and I run to the West Wing. It's a long corridor and I run behind a reception desk when I hear soldiers. I grab some broken, but usable scissors and some alcohol.

Three guys run past me as I craft a nail bomb and I leap over the desk and go through a pair of open double doors. I walk in an a guy comes through a door spotting me. I throw a brick which distracts him and then I take out my bow and shoot him in the head. I go through the door he came in from and shut it. Oh shit. I look around and pick up a chair, putting the legs between the bar and the door so it stays shut. I run up four flights of stairs to another pair of double doors and open them. I walk into an office room and grab some broken scissors, explosives, alcohol, and a rag. I also pick up a recorder. I play it and I hear Marlene's voice.

'It's 5:30 pm on... April 28th. I just finished speaking... More like yelling at our head surgeon. Apparently there's no way to extricate the parasite without eliminating the host. Fancy way of saying we gotta kill the fucking kid. and now they're asking for my go ahead. The tests just keep getting harder and harder, don't they?' She sighs. 'I'm so tired. I'm exhausted and I just want this to end... So be it.'

I put the recorder in my backpack and exit the room I was in, entering a long hallway. I turn back around coming to a dead end and I walk towards some double doors, and I can tell there's about to be a shoot out in here. I stay low and walk around until there's a hallway with soldiers in it. I throw a smoke bomb and I walk past the door, hoping they don't spot me. I walk into a room and a guy comes through the door, so I grab him and use a shiv to stab him in the neck. I continue onto the next room. I shoot a guy with the arrow and it alerts others, so I go back to the original room and a guy comes through, so I stab him in the neck also. I hide behind a knocked over cabinet.

I walk to another room and go to shoot the guy in the hall, but don't since I'll probably miss. So I continue on. A guy comes in the room and I stab him in the neck, almost getting caught. I pick his ammo up, and I walk along the wall. I throw another nail bomb, killing a couple guys and I continue into the next room. There's only one guy left so I go through a window, landing behind another receptionist desk. I sneak up behind him and stab him in the neck. I go through some double doors then shut it. There. I push a basket of medical mumbo jumbo in front of it. I run to a door and kick it open, but nobody is in the room. I get another recorder. Marlene again.

'Hey Anna... It's been a while since we spoke. I uh... I just have the go ahead to proceed with the surgery. I really doubt I had much of a choice, asking me was more of a formality. I need you to know that I've kept my promise all theses years.. Despite everything that I was in charge of. I looked after her. I would've done anything for her, and at times... Here's a chance to save us... All of us. This is what we were after... What you were after. They asked me to kill the smuggler. I'm not about to kill the one man in this facility that might understand the weight of this choice. Maybe he can forgive me. Oh, I miss you, Anna. Your daughter will be with you soon.'

I put it in my backpack and I walk down the long hallway and I open the door at the end of the hallway. I can see the shadows through the mesh curtain. This is the room. I open the door and I see an unconscious Ellie, lying on the surgery table.

"Sweet Jesus." I can't help but mumble out.

"Doctor?" The nurse asks.

"What're you doing in here?" The doctor asks, backing up. "I won't let you take her. This is our future. Think of all the lives we'll save." I shoot him in the head.

"No! You fucking animal!" The nurse shouts.

"Kari, shut the hell up!" Another doctor warns. I shoot Kari in the head. "Oh Jesus. Oh God. Ah, jus-just take the girl and leave, okay?" I shoot the guy in the head and I unhook Ellie from all the tubes.

"Come on baby girl." I pick her up bridal style. "I gotcha. I gotcha..." I look out the door and see flashlights. "Oh shit." I kick open the other door.

"Get back!" I run with Ellie.

"He's carrying her towards pediatrics. Get up here. Now!" Shit.

"He's over here!" I keep running with Ellie.

"I'm getting you outta here girl." I mumble.

"Come on, man. We just want the girl."

"I got you. I got you."

"Cover the exits!" I keep running.

"Come on." I keep running. "God dammit which way?"

"You got nowhere to go." I run into a room, and then into locker rooms.

"We're okay. We're okay. We're okay." I keep running with her.

"This is your last chance. Drop her now!" I see the elevator just ahead of me.

"I got him in my sights!" I run into the elevator and push the bottom floor button, as the doors close I hear someone shout.

"Hey! Stop!" I back into the wall of the elevator. Oh god. The doors open and I look around and then step out. Marlene has her gun pointed at me.

"You can't save her." She grimaces, I just stare at he run disbelief. "Even if you get her out of here, then what? How long until she's torn to pieces by a pack of Clickers? That is if she hasn't been raped or murdered first." This strikes me. Did she just say I would rape and murder Ellie?

"That ain't for you to decide." I sneer.

"It's what she'd want." I look at the ground. "And you know it." I glare at her. "Look..." She takes her hand of the gun and slowly starts to put them up defensively. "You can still do the right thing here. She won't feel anything."


Chapter 60! Dun dun dun. What do you think happened? I'm writing chapter 61. I actually think I will finish the book tonight :( ugh



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