Chapter XVIII

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Joel's POV

Tess is infected? I look back at Tess and then slowly back up.

"Joel...." Tess says nervously.

"Let me see it." I answer. Tess shakes her head.

"I didn't mean for this-"

"Show it to me." My voice is louder and more aggressive. Tess looks at me and pulls her collar and I see a big bloody bite on her neck. "Oh. Christ."

"Oops, right?" I look away and Tess walks to Ellie. "Give me your arm." She reaches for it and pulls up Ellie's sleeve then looks at me. "This was three weeks." She points to Ellie's bite. She pulls on Ellie's arm and walks to me. She points to herself. "I was bitten and hour ago and it's already worse." She points at Ellie's bite again. "This is fucking real, Joel." Her voice cracking as she says this.

"You've got to get this girl to Tommy's." Tess walks to me pointing to Ellie. "He used to run with this crew, he'll know where to go."

"No, no, no, that was your crusade." I point at Tess then Ellie. "I am not doin' that."

"Yes you are look, there's enough here that you have to feel some sort of obligation to me. So you get her to Tommy's." We both look at the door.


"Oh." Tess runs to the window and looks out and I hear; "watch the exit!" Tess turns to me and walks towards me. "They're here."


"I can buy you some time, but you have to run."


"You want us to just leave you here?" Ellie asks walking towards Tess.

"Yes." Tess answers Ellie but she's still looking at me.

"There is no way that-" I start to say but Tess cuts me off.

"I will not turn into one of those things." She walks closer to me. "Come on. Make this easy for me." I look at her and slowly turn around.

"I- I can fight-"

"No, just go!" Tess shoves me. "Just fucking go."

I look at Tess.


"I'm sorry, I didn't - I didn't mean for this." She says.

"Get a move on." I slowly back away from Tess and then turn around and run with Ellie. I can only faintly hear people talking.

"We know you're in there! Drop your weapons and come out with your hands up!"

I shut the doors behind me when we get upstairs.

"What the fuck? I can't believe we did that." Ellie says.

"Stop." I answer.

"We just left her to die."

"Stop. You stay close to me. We have to move."

"Oh man..." I run up a flight of stairs and I hear the door open of the Capitol building and a bunch of gunfire. I run up the stairs and get to a floor and just run straight.

"Just keep pushing forward." I walk into a hallway and turn on my flashlight. I look to my side and I hear soldiers below me. Oh shit.

"Target neutralized. She took out two of my men. Copy that. You, take out the door. You, with me." I stay low.

"Yes, sir!" I look down.

"Oh my god." Ellie says. "Tess..."


Dun dun dun! What happened to Tess? I updated twice you are welcome to the people who are reading this. Read more to find out!





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