Chapter XXIX

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Joel's POV

We walk around outside and I hear Ellie whistling, she gasps.

"I'm whistling!" She says.

"Oh good. Something else you can annoy me with." I keep walking around.

"That's awesome." I walk around some more and go into a bus. I pick up a comic.

"Ellie! I found another one of them comics you've been reading."

"Oh, cool." I walk out of the bus and keep walking. I hear a gunshot.

"What was that?" Ellie asks.

"I don't know, Ellie, get down. Ellie, hide." I hear hunters talking.

"Man where did you learn to shoot?"

"Man... Screw you."

"You had an entire flock and you didn't hit anything."

"I'm about to hit you."

"Wow. Yeah, you're really upset. Well if you want some lessons I'm more then willing to help you out."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Where the hell are those guys? They're supposed to be here."

"They're on the highway shift. Wouldn't be surprised if they caught another batch of tourists."

"Spot's a gold mine. Lucky bastards."

"See if there's anything you can forage while we wait for them."

"Ain't nothing here. Let's keep going." I sneak past them.

"I think they're gone." Ellie assures. "Agh, those guys creep me out. Is this city full of these guys?"

"Looks like it." I lift myself onto a car, and then onto a bus, then jump onto the ground.

"That bridge looks pretty far."

"We'll get there." I walk through an old security check point.

"Whoa. It's strange seeing a checkpoint with no soldiers."

"This is what most zones look like. This place has been abandoned for a while now." I walk to a spinning door, pushing on it and going through.

"I hear hunters."

I sneak past three hunters and head up some stairs, and guess what? More hunters. I sneak past them and walk through what used to be a door and jump down outside. I walk to some steps.

"Let's see where this leads us." I jump down and walk down the alley way. I jump over a concrete wall and see two hunters. "Down, down, down, down." I say motioning Ellie to get down. "There's more of them." I hide behind some more concrete. One of them pulls away a plank. "Alright, I don't think they saw us." I walk towards some water.

"Whew. There's our bridge. We're a little closer. I think." Ellie assures me. I walk across the shallow water and onto some land.

"Let's keep at it. C'mon." I walk onto something floating. "I can't make that jump."

"If you get me up there I can move that plank." I jump into the water, and it's pretty deep now. I swim forward.

"Wait here! Let's see where this goes." I hear a truck and then some squealing tires. "What the hell? Oh, this place is bad."

I grab a wooden pallet, ignoring the gunshots, although it's hard and I bring it to Ellie. She stands up on a car that's just above the water.

"What was all that about?" She questions.

"Get on. We're cuttin' through the hotel." She jumps on.

"Um... okay..." I bring her to a bus that's above the water and she jumps onto it. I walk through something.

"Set up that plank like they did." I walk through it and swim up to some stairs that lead to a small café. I loot some things.

"Alright. Now you just need to find a way up." I hear Ellie say. She walks into the room I was in. "Oh - this place stinks."


"Did you go to coffee shops a lot?"

"I did. All the time."

"And what would you get?"

"Just... Just coffee." I hop up onto a crate, then walk across a small wooden plank. Ellie is in front of me. I go through a broken window then walk over the plank Ellie set up.

"Do you think those Hunters are gone?"

"We're about to find out."


Wow! Chapter 29 already holy bejesus! This book is going by soooo fast, I don't want it to end! What about you guys? How do you like the book so far? This chapter was kind of short...? I mean, shorter then a lot of the others. I still don't know how many chapters this book will have, and I really hope it isn't too many. Like 80+ if it is will you still read it? I hope so. But I'm trying my best not to make it TOO long. I'm still skipping the fighting scenes, if you haven't already realized. I might've told you before, but the reason I skip them is because it would take way to long to type and I'm not very good at describing fighting scenes. I really want you to meet the next characters! Hopefully it'll be soon!





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