Chapter XIX

699 19 2

Joel's POV

I look down from the balcony and I see Tess lying on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding her. She's dead, I think. Tess is fucking dead. I walk along the balcony and hear banging noises.

"We're through." A soldier says. Shit.

"They're gonna be here soon." Ellie whispers.

"Proceed with caution. There's still at least two more of 'em here." I hear another soldier say. I walk through a room and see there's a broken wall and I jump off of it and land on another floor.

"Hallway clear!" I hear and I run. I see a dead guy and he has a gun. I pick it up, reload it and examine it. A hunting rifle. This could come in handy. I walk through some doors and hide behind a table when I hear a soldier.

"What are we gonna do?" Asks Ellie and I walk to another table. We kill these bastards, that's what we do. "Joel?" I see a soldier and then two more and I shoot one in the head. One yells; "Fireflies. Pin 'em down!" "Cover the exits." Another one says and I shoot him in the head. One more to go.

"Keep your head down." I warn Ellie. Another one comes and I shoot him.

"Oh, fuck." Ellie says.

I walk through a lot of rooms and kill a bunch of guys. I hide behind some cement and shoot a guy behind a pole.

"Alright. Alright, c'mon, Ellie." I say and walk to another room.

"Right behind you." I hide behind something and patch myself up. I walk through another room and then down a hall and down two flights of stairs then jump down, Ellie following.

"What are we doing? Joel, how're we gonna get out of here?" She asks.

"Alright, we're gonna go through that hall." I answer as I walk through a door.

I hear some soldiers talking but I don't know what they are saying. "Stay down, I don't know how many more there are."

I walk to a room and hide behind some couches. Alright Joel, try to be stealthy. I walk through another door and hide behind a table. I see a soldier come around and I panic and shoot him in the head. Well, so much for stealth.

After killing some more soldiers I go into a bigger room and a soldier sees me.

"He's over there!" I hear and he shoots at me. I hide behind a couch and walk to the side and hide behind another. I can only see two soldiers, but there has to be plenty more. I spot one and I shoot him. Then I see another guy and shoot him. Another one comes and I shoot him 3 times before he's dead. There's another one. Damn there's so many. I run up to him and punch him and he falls on the ground. I step on his head and bash it in.

"Joel, there's the exit." Ellie says and I walk through some doors and down some steps.

"There are stairs over there." Ellie says and I see them. I run towards them.

"Stay low." I answer.

I run to them, walk down and then jump down.

"They're going in the subway! Stop 'em!" I hear a soldier.

"Shit." I say as I hear a car pull to where we came in.

"They're following us!" Ellie says.

"Run down there, go get 'em!" I hear and run.

"Goddammit." I say and they start shooting at us. I run some more and turn the corner and keep running, I still hear gun shots. I run and put on my gas mask. More spores.

"Get down!" I hear Ellie say and we hide behind a wall. I hear a soldier talk but I don't understand what he's saying. "There's a soldier over there." Ellie points out.

I look at her.

"How the hell are you breathin' in this stuff?"

"I wasn't lying to you." Ellie and I lock eyes for a second before we hear two soldiers.

"Did you spot 'em?" One says.

"No. Place is empty." Another one responds.

"Search the area. Let's find them and get the hell out of here before clickers show up." The first one says.

One comes by us and I punch the shit out of the guy until he dies.

"Oh my god!" Ellie says, and another one is shooting at us. He stops and I see his flash light come closer to us. Wait till the guy comes here. I see him and I punch that guy too, but then I grab his head and slam it against the wall.

"Shit! Oh that was intense!" Ellie says.

"Yeah." I answer and patch myself up again. I walk through a subway and then turn and walk straight. I walk through some shallow water and then lift myself onto another subway.

I walk through it and then get off of it into the water.

"Hey, uh, I can't swim." Ellie reminds me.

"We'll figure something out." I answer and I swim around and come up to some broken pieces of wall and so I dive underwater and swim underneath it, then I come back up. I dive under again and swim under something, coming back up. I lift myself onto a ledge.

"Ellie?" I call out. No answer. I look around and see Ellie. Thank god. I dive under again and swim. I see a wooden pallet floating and I grab it and take it to Ellie.

"Hop on." I say

"Really?" She asks.

"Ellie." She gets on the pallet.

"Okay. Okay." I pull her through the water. "Ah, be careful."

"I gotcha." I pull her to where the ladder is and she gets off the pallet and onto the top of the train and she puts the ladder down. I climb up it.

After walking around a little I finally spot the exit and I walk to it. I walk up the stairs and lift myself up onto the grass. I walk forward a little and take off my gas mask and hook it onto my pants. I sit on a rock.

"Hey, look, um... about Tess..." Ellie begins. I look away. "I don't even know what to-"

"Here's how this thing's gonna play out. You don't bring up Tess - ever. Matter of fact, we can just keep our histories to ourselves." Ellie looks down and paces back and forth a little. "Secondly, don't tell anybody about your condition. They'll either think you're crazy or they'll try to kill you." I put my hands on my thighs and look to the side. Then I look back at Ellie. "And lastly, you do what I say, when I say it. We clear?" Ellie looks down again her hands on her hips. She nods her head.


"Repeat it."

She inhales and looks at me. "What you say, goes." She exhales.

I look to the side again. "Good." I stand up, grunting as I do. Starting to feel my age alright.

"Now, there's a town a few miles north of here." I point out. "There's a fella there that owes me some favors... Good chance he could get us a car." I turn and look at Ellie. She looks up at me.


"Let's get a move on." And I start walking.


Chapter 19 guys. I don't even think it's half way done yet. I don't even know how much this is. In other words, this is gonna be a long book. I would really appreciate it if some of my readers would tell their friends about this book, or any books I've written. I may sound conceited, but I really want to become popular on Wattpad. Like fl0wersniffinwh0re and all the successful writers here on Wattpad with like 10,000 views on their books. If you could do that it would really mean a lot. Thank you guys for reading.





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