Chapter XXVI

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Joel's POV

I look behind me and see a dead guy, hanging from the ceiling fan.

"Jesus." I say and look at Bill then point to the guy. "What? Do you know this guy or something?" I walk to the body and look at it.

"Frank." Bill answers.

"Who the hell's Frank?"

"He was my partner." I look at Bill, having no idea he was gay, and then back at the body. I hear Bill take the machete out of his bag. "And he's the only idiot who would wear a shirt like that." He walks to 'Franks' body and then cuts the rope, and his lifeless body falls on the ground. Bill looks at the body.

"He's got bites... Here. And..." He points with the machete.

I hear Bill sniff, and I can tell he's trying not to cry.

"I- reckon he didn't want to turn so he..." I begin.

Bill nods. "Yeah. I guess not." He takes a deep breath and shrugs. "Well fuck him." I hear a car engine start and Bill and I both look in the direction it's coming from. We walk to the garage and Ellie's in a car.

She smiles. "Look what I found. It's got some juice in it." Bill walks to the front of the car and I follow him.

"That's my battery." He says. "That fuckin' asshole." He shuts the hood. "Get out. Get. Out."

Ellie gets out. "Okay, geez." Bill gets in the car and he turns the key then rubs his forehead.

"Battery's drained but the cells are alive." He gets out.

"Meaning?" I ask.

"Meaning we push it, get it started, and the alternator will recharge the battery." He walks to the garage door.

"Tsh. Is that your guess?"

"Look, you wanted a 'plan B.' This is as good as it gets." Ellie looks at me.

"What are you thinking?" She questions. I look back at her.

"Thinkin' you drive and we push." I respond.

Ellie gets in the car and shuts the door.

"Jesus... That's more of my stuff." Bill says and I go inside and loot some things. Bill starts talking to himself again. "So what? You just... Just gonna steal my shit and run off? Is that it Frank?" He yells to me. "You should probably search the house. I'm sure there's more supplies." I grab a lot of things. "Let me know when you're ready to finish this thing!"

"I'll give you a holler." I respond. I walk to a desk and pick up a note. It says;

Well, Bill.

I doubt you'd ever find this note cause you were too scared to ever make it to this part of town. But if for some reason you did, I want you to know I hated your guts. I grew tired of this shitty town and of your set-in-your-ways attitude. I wanted more from life than this and you could never get that.

And that stupid battery you kept moaning about-- I got it. But I guess you were right. Trying to leave this town will kill me. Still better than spending another day with you.

Good Luck,


Damn what a fucking asshole. I walk back into the garage.

"Ready?" Bill asks. I don't answer and I talk to Ellie.

"You gonna be okay with this?" I question.

"Yeah, not a problem." She says with an unsure tone of voice. Uh-oh.

"You're doin' a good job. I figure you should know that."

"I won't let you down with this."

"Alright..." I pull away from her and I walk to the back of the car. "Alright, Bill. Let's do it." I put my hands on the back and Bill lifts the garage door.

"Alright, put 'er in first." He says to Ellie.

"Already did it." She answers and Bill walks next to me.

"Just keep your foot on the clutch and when we get to roll..."

"I know how to pop a clutch."

"How the hell do-? Y'know what, I don't care... Just don't fuck it up!" We start to push the car.

"Alright, Ellie, get ready..." I say and we push it out of the garage. "Now! Now hit it. Hit it!" The engine hums.

"Perfect. Hey - good job kid." Bill says and runs to the car.

"Bill. Not helpin'. Ellie - we're gonna give it another go. Stay focused!" I say and help Bill push the car.

"Jesus. Just keep turning right. Let's get to the hill at the end of the street." Bill assures. We push the car. "Look, if we just make it to the hill. We just get it over the edge..."

"Uh oh. Infected! To your left!" I realize there are a bunch of infected.

"Oh shit." I say.

We shoot a couple.

"Alright, we're good. Back to the truck." Bill reminds me and I walk to the truck and we push again.

"We gotta go faster!" Ellie yells.

"Keep pushing. Keep pushing." I hear more infected.

"Guys, by that house. To your right!" Ellie yells again.

We shoot a lot more this time.

"C'mon. We don't have much time. Back to pushing!" I say and jog back to the car.

"You have really fucked my day up, you know that, Joel, huh?" We keep pushing and I hear more of the infected.

"More infected! To your left!" Ellie yells from the car.

We kill some more of them.

"We gotta break. Let's get 'er to the hill." Bill says and we go back to the car and push.

"Alright, Ellie, get ready..." I assure her. We get to the hill and stop pushing and the car goes down the hill. "Alright, Ellie, start it up!" She starts the car and we run after it. "You hear that sound, Bill?"

"Yeah, well that means the infected hear it to. Let's get in the fucking truck." I run to the truck and get into the back of it.

"Go! Go!" Yells Bill.

"Floor it!" I also tell her and she speeds down the road.


Bill was looking at a dead guy... He was his partner :( first time I saw PewdiePie play the last of us and I realized it was Bills pal who hung himself I almost cried. I hate Bill because he's such an ass, but I like Bill because when things go wrong he's always like "well forget it." Or in this case, he says "well fuck it." He's the type of guy who gets over things quickly. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing... Oh well.






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