Chapter LIV

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Joel's POV

I wake up, breathing fast since I had another nightmare about Sarah. I sit up and take the blanket off of me. I yelp because of my stomach.

"Ellie?" I ask and I turn on all fours and try to stand up but I fall back down. I put my hand on my stomach and check if I'm bleeding. "Ellie!?" I get up and slowly walk to my backpack. I bend down, grunting as I do and I pick it up and sling it over my shoulders. I look up the stairs and I walk up them. I open the door at the top of the stairs and walk out. I lean against a counter, watching my footing then stand back up. "Where the hell are you?" I walk out the front door and jump over the railing. "Ellie!" I call out and keep walking down the street. "Where did she run off to?" I walk down and a bullet is shot at me, barely missing me and I hide behind a car. "Where is she!" I shout.

I shoot two guys and then walk under a deck and jump over a stone wall. A guy is running from me. I chase after him and another one shoots at me, I hide behind a wooden fence and shoot one guy.

'Run!' The other one shouts and he runs. I shoot him on a dumpster and I take an axe out of the tree and continue on.

'Keep runnin'!' I walk through a fence and there are two guys shooting at me. One shoots me in the arm but barely and I yelp in pain and hide behind some wooden thing. I patch myself up and throw a Molotov at the three of them. I walk into a house and loot some then jump through a window and then over a broken monitor and a guy grabs me.

"Gotcha asshole!" His other friend comes with a knife. "Finish him off!" I struggle to get out of the grip of the guy. "Hold him still!" I kick his buddy in the nuts and he falls to the ground, screaming. I grab the other one and slam his head against the wall twice then walk to his buddy again who's struggling to get up. I kick him again, making him unconscious. "You come with me."

"Let me go...I'll fuck you up..." The guy mumbles.

"Come on."

I finish punching the guy as the other one shouts. "What do you want!"

"You wait here." I say and walk to the one in the chair, I grab the knife off of the table and swallow hard, my stomach wound hurting. I pull a chair in front of him. "Now... The girl..." I sit down. " she alive?"

"What girl? I don't know no girl." I roll my eyes and stab the knife into his knee. He screams. "Fuck!" I slap under his chin making him look up.

"Focus right here. Right here. Or I'll pop your goddamn knee off." He looks at me. "The girl." He nods and tries relaxing.

"Sh-she's alive. She's David's newest pet."

"Where?" I growl in his ear. I twist the knife so it goes further into his knee. He screams again.

"In the town. In the town." I pull the knife out and put the handle of the knife in his mouth. I show him a map.

"Now you're gonna mark it on the map." I point at the other guy who's chained against the wall. "And it better be the same place your buddy points to." He nods, his eyes big. "Mark it." He marks a spot on the map and spits the knife out.

"It's right there. You can verify it. For ask him. Go on." I stand up and slowly walk to his buddy. "He'll tell ya. I ain't lyin'. I ain't lyin'." I walk behind the guy and I grab him around the neck and strangle him then snap his neck.

I walk to his friend.

"Fuck you, man. He told you what you wanted." I pick up the pipe on the ground. "I ain't telling you shit." I walk to him, my towering body standing over his.

"It's alright. I believe him." And I smack him with the pipe, killing him.

Ellie's POV

I'm laying on the ground of the cellar and I feel someone grab my shoulders.

"Wake-y, wake-y." James says forcing me to my feet. "Come on."

"Let go!" I yell struggling.

"Get-" he pushes me to David.

"Stop!" David reaches for my face and I bite his wrist. He knees me in the stomach making me slump over and both of them throw me onto the table where they chop up bodies. They both hold me down.

"I warned you!" David says, raising the big butchers knife.

"I'm infected! I'm infected!" I scream before he slams the knife down on me.

"Really?" David says, with the raspy voice and the quirky smile.

"...and so are you." He looks at me weird. "Right there. Roll up my sleeve." I shake my arm. "Look at it!" He slams the knife down right next to my head, making me flinch.

"I'll play along." David lifts my sleeve and looks at James.

"What'd you say?" He looks down at my arm. "Everything happens for a reason, right?"

"What the hell is that." James asks, frightened and pointing at my bite.

"She would've turned by now." David explains. "It can't be real."

"Looks pretty fucking real to me!" They both have let go of me and David looks at where I bit him. I take the butchers knife and slam it into James neck and roll off the table. David shoots at me and James falls next to me, choking. I keep running, pushing meat out of the way and I hide behind a wall. My switchblade is on the shelf beside me and I grab it. "Okay..." I whisper and I run and leap through the window.

"Shit." I say when I get outside and I block my face. I keep walking. "Oh man. What the fuck is wrong with these people?" I run down an alley and someone shoots at me, missing.

"Where you goin', Ellie?" I hear David shout and I open a door, and walk through.

"I need to find a gun."

"This is my town!" I crouch under a fallen shelf and keep walking.

"Okay. I can do this." I pick up a health pack and I walk into and old, abandoned pet store. I hear hunters, or should I say cannibals, shouting outside. David is one of them.



"The girl. She's infected and she got out."

"This is bad, David." I stay low and hide behind the shelves by the door.

"Alright. I need you to round up everyone who isn't armed and get 'em clear outta here. We're gonna find that girl and we're gonna kill her."

"Oh my god. I'll take the kids to the shelter." Oh fuck.


Chapter 54. I updated twice in one day, who's the best? Me! Just kidding. Have you heard that they're making The Last of Us into a movie? I told my mom if they're holding auditions in my state or in another state near where I live to take me there. I want to be Ellie lmfao. I may or may not update again.




And maybe follow?


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