Chapter LV

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Ellie's POV

I jump through another window and get back outside, then go through another window leading me into a different building. I hear some guys talking, and they're inside with me. I walk behind some shelves and a guy sees me.

"Son of a bitch!" He shouts and I throw a brick at him. I then jump onto him and stab him in the neck twice. I take his gun. I hide behind a wall and another guy comes in. I jump on him and stab him too. I take his ammo and walk outside, the blizzard is worse. There's another guy and I stab him too. I walk around outside. "Okay." I walk and I get to some parked mail cars I think. "They're everywhere." I walk up some stairs. "Which way? Which way?" I jump through a window of a building and jump out of another one.

I keep walking and I go under a broken wall and Keep going. There's a guy but he doesn't see me because of the snow, I walk through a gate that's completely broken. "This place is a damn maze." I keep walking and I hear more of them.

"What if she bites someone?"

"Relax. She isn't biting anyone."

"I'm saying we can have a real situation here." I get into an arcade and I walk around. I exit and I have no idea where to go, so I keep walking and I get to a dumpster that leads to an open window. I lift myself onto the dumpster and through the window.

I walk and get into a restaurant. I walk down some stairs and then up some more and I get to a door. I open it and walk out but David is there and he pushes me back inside.

"You're easy to track." He says taking my gun and pushing me onto the ground. He points the gun at me. "How did you do it?" I back up and stand up, then run and hide behind a booth. "That's alright. There's no where to go!" I walk around, hiding from him. "You want out? You're gonna have to come get these keys." He shoots at me and misses so I hide again. "I know you're not infected. No one that's infected fights this hard to stay alive." He runs to me and I run away.

I go down a few stairs and I hide behind some more booths. "So what is it, Ellie? I gotta admit. You had me back there. For a second you shook my faith. But only for a second." I walk back up and step on some plates. "I heard that!" He runs after me and I hide again, jumping down and he walks right past me. I lift myself back up and sneak up behind him and I stab him. He shoots at me and I hide again. "That was good, kid." I hear him put the gun away and I heard him take a knife out. But not just any knife... A machete. "It's gonna be alright..." He walks toward me and I run away. "You know you keep surprising me. It's a shame you wouldn't come around." Someone is shooting at me and I hide again. "But it's too late now..."

I've hidden again and he walks past me once more. I sneak up behind him and stab him in the side. He's angry now. I run again. "Run little rabbit. Run." He growls.

I keep walking around and I see him crouched behind something, his back against me. I jump on his back and I stab him in the chest. He slams us against a table and then he takes me and flips me over his shoulder, making us both land on the ground.


Chapter 55! I'm on the second to last part of Pewds gameplay. So that means this book is almost over...goodness. I had so much fun writing this book, and I don't want it to end. But I realize that there's a lot to get done in the game, so maybe this book will be 68 chapters I estimate. But I'm not sure.




And maybe follow?


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