Chapter XXI

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Joel's POV

I loot some things and then walk to a table. On the wall above it there's purple writing 'Rachel' and there's an arrow putting at a note on the table. I pick it up.


Soldiers are going door to door forcing people onto buses. I hear yelling a couple of buildings down - time's running out. I tried calling, waiting, I don't know what to do, but I can't wait anymore. I've thrown most of our stuff into a couple of suitcases. I'll be waiting for you in the Quarantine Zone. Come find me.

I'll see you soon!


"You think they ever found eachother?" Ellie questions.

"How the hell would I know?"

"Well, I'd like to think they did." I walk back down the stairs.

"C'mon, let's get the hell outta here." I exit. I walk back outside and to a fence and almost run into another one of those bomb traps. "Shit, look at this." I grab my bow. "Alright, stay back."

"Alright." I let the arrow go and it hits a bomb and explodes the trap. "That's one way to do it."

"Oh, shit. Those things are kind of awesome." I walk through the open gate and pick up some ammo. I walk and see another trap.

"Yeah, see that? Get back." I pick up a brick and chuck it at the trap and it blows up. I walk. "Come on." I walk through an open door. "Just, stay close." I open a drawer and get some more ammo.

I open another door.

"Ellie come on just..." I hear some creaking. "Oh shit." A rope is around my ankle and I'm hoisted into the air and I hang there upside down, tied at my ankle.



"Here... I got you."

"God dammit, Bill..." I'm swinging and Ellie stops me.

"What just happened?" I let my arms hang down.

"It's another one of Bill's stupid traps!" I look around and spot a fridge. "There - that fridge. It looks like that's the counterweight."

"Okay." Ellie walks to the fridge and jumps onto it.

"Cut that rope and it'll bring me down!"

"On it!" I hang there for a while and I faintly hear the noises of infected getting closer. "Joel?" I pull out my gun.

"Shit, here they come."

After some yelling between Ellie and I along with me shooting a lot of zombies, the fridge falls over.

"Are you okay!"


"C'mon, you can do it!"

"Okay... Here! Catch!" Ellie throws some ammo at me.

"Thanks." More infected come. "Goddammit."

"Come on! It's not cutting!"

"Ellie they're getting closer just hurry!" A bunch of them attack Ellie, and I start shooting at them. After a long while Ellie finally cuts the rope and I fall to the ground.

"Okay." Ellie says.

"Damn it."

"Joel - watch out!" I look and an infected attacks me. I fall to the ground and the infected one tries and bite me and I keep pushing him away. As quick as a flash I see a machete in front of my face, chopping the head off of the zombie. Someone reaches down to me with a gas mask and I can't see his face.

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