Chapter XLIX

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Ellie's POV

I spot a white rabbit. I take my bow and I shoot it, hitting it right in the neck. I walk to it and pick it up and retrieve my arrow.

"Oh, this won't last very long." I whisper and I hook the bunny to Callus. I turn my head and see a buck. I take Callus' reins and hook it to a tree branch. "You'll just startle it." I run towards the deer. I move slowly down a hill, then jump down. I can't see it. "Where'd you go?" I move forward and step on a twig and it snaps, I see the buck run. "There he is." I run down a hill, across a frozen river, and I hop onto some rocks. I keep running and I see the buck run. "Crap, he's fast." I continue running forward. I see him and I draw back my bow. "Steady." He's too far away. I keep going forward and the buck runs again. "He heard that." I keep going forward. I lift myself onto a rock, and then another one. I see the buck and I pull back the arrow and shoot it. He doesn't die but he runs. "Gotcha!"

I walk down the hill and I follow the blood trail. I hop over a fence and continue following it. It leads me to an abandoned building. "What is this place?" I keep following the blood. I hop down the hill. "Oh, great." I slowly walk into the building. "Everything's cool. This place is not creepy at all." I keep following the blood trail. I get to the other end of the building and I see the buck lying in the middle of the snow, dead. "Oh." I walk to it. I look at it and I hear the snapping of a twig and I point my bow in the direction. "Who's there?" No answer. "Come out!" I look around a little and I see a man come from behind a tree. He puts his hand up.

"Hello... we just want to talk." I keep the arrow pointed at him.

"Any sudden moves and I put one right between your eyes." I point to the other guy. "Ditto for buddy boy over there." I point it back at the other guy. "What do you want?"

"Um, names David, this here is my friend, James." The man answers- or more like David answers. "We're from a larger group - women, children - we're all very, very hungry."

"So am I - women and children - all very hungry too."

"Well, maybe we could ah, trade you for some of that meat there. What do you need? Weapons, ammo, clothes-"

"Medicine! Do you have any antibiotics?" I keep my arrow pointed at him.

"We do. Back at the camp." He walks towards me. "You're welcome to follow us-"

"I'm not following you anywhere." He stops walking. "Buddy boy can go get it. He comes back with what I need, the deer's all yours. Anyone else shows up-"

"You put one right between my eyes."

"That's right." I keep my bow pointed at David.

"Two bottles of penicillin and a syringe. Make it fast." I point an arrow at James. "Go on." James walks away and I point my bow back at David.

"I'll take that rifle." David looks at the rifle.

"Of course." He walks to me, takes it off his shoulder, and lays it down at my feet.

"Back up." That's what he does. I put the bow back in my backpack and pick up the rifle, reloading it, and pointing it at him.

He looks around.

"He's probably gonna be a while." David says. "You ah, mind if we take shelter from the cold?" I point the rifle at the deer and back at David.

"Bring him with us." David grabs the deer by the antlers and drags it to the abandoned building.

David pokes the fire with a stick.

"There." He says as a flame comes. He warms up his hands. "You know, you really shouldn't be out here all on your own."

"I don't like company." I answer, glaring at him.

"I see. What's your name?"


"Look, I understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers. Whoever's hurt, you clearly care about them." I look down. "I'm sure it's gonna be just fine."

I sigh. "We'll see." I hear the screeching of a clicker and we both look out. We both stand up. A clicker comes in and starts to click. I take a step back and it turns it's head and runs to me. David shoots it twice and it falls to the ground, he shoots it again and it dies. I look a him. "You had another gun?"

"Sorry." He looks out the window. "Okay, I'd really like my rifle back now."

"No. You have our pistol." He glares at me.

"I hope you know how to use that thing."

"I've had some practice."


Chapter 49. Well here's David you guys. Do you trust him? I sure don't. Haha. I'm writing another update right now. Is any of this happening to you guys when you're reading a book; every single time you like hit enter or whatever to start a new line when you're typing your book, it like starts a new paragraph? Because I'm reading this book (lame I know) and it's happening to me. It's really annoying.




And maybe follow?


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