Chapter XLVIII

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Joel's POV

"Who the fuck are these guys?" Ellie asks.

I shake my head. "It don't matter. We know where to go. Let's get the hell outta here." I turn around and stay low and I walk out of the room we were in. I keep walking through, retracing our steps, going back the way we came. I focus my hearing and two guys are running into the room. I shoot them both in the head and push forward. I walk down a hallway and into a room and there's about 5 guys that come at once and they start shooting at me. I hide behind a tipped over file cabinet. I shoot one of them that I can see and the others are in the room next door. I slowly walk to the other room. I shoot 3 of them in the head. I walk to the left and there's one guy. He walks to me and I use my machete on him and he dies. I walk forward and turn left to a door. One guy comes through and I throw a Molotov at him, a second one comes through and I throw another one at him. I pick up two Molotov's and a guy comes through and I shoot him in the head.

I get to the stairs we were at and there are two guys coming up them. I throw a nail bomb at them and they both explode. I walk back down the stairs and a guy comes up but I shoot him before he shoots me. I get down and two guys come from outside, I use my shotgun and shoot them both. There's another guy on the balcony outside and I shoot him. I walk to a door and I open it, but a guy comes through and kicks me making me stumble back. I hit the railing.
"Got you, asshole!" The guy says strangling me. I push him away and I sock him in the face but the railing breaks and we both fall down, and I land on a sharp metal object that impales me right in the stomach.

Ellie's POV

I hear Joel scream and I look down. "Oh man." I say and I grab the cable that's hanging and I climb down. I run to him and I hear guys trying to open the door. "What do you want me to do?" I ask him, slightly panicking.

"Move..." He chokes out.

"What?" I snap.

"Move!" He grabs my shoulder and pushes me down as he shoots at the guys that come through the door. I help him shoot one and I bend down next to him.

"Oh man... Joel? Oh..." I sigh.

"I'm gonna need you to pull..." Joel begins.

"Okay." I nod. "Alright, you ready?" I take his hand. "One, two, three." I pull him and he let's out the scariest yelp of pain I've ever heard.

"Pull!" He yells and I do, pulling him off of the thing that went through his stomach. He stands up and automatically falls on one of his knees. I help him up. "Just get to the damn horse..."

I run through the door and I wait for Joel. I check if anyone's there and there isn't. He gets to me slowly. "I don't see anyone. Let's go!" I tell him and I keep running forward, waiting for Joel to catch up with me occasionally. We walk through a door. "Joel, how we doing?"

"I'm fine... I'm fine..." He says coughing. I walk to some wooden planks and I push them away from the window their blocking.

"Can you handle the window?" I hop through.

"Yeah." Joel pulls himself through the window very difficultly and when he gets through he falls right to the ground.

"Jesus. Come on, move!" I help him up on his fours and he crawls and hides behind a desk.

"I see you." A guy says as he walks through the window.

"Shit." The man starts to shoot at us. "Alright, just stay here. I'm gonna flank this asshole.""Ellie..." Joel reaches for me but I slowly walk towards the guy.

"Those were my friends you killed, asshole." The man says. "Come on out. You wanna do this the hard way?" He comes in my sight and I shoot him but he doesn't die. "You little bitch!" He points his gun at me and starts shooting but Joel shoots him in the head, saving me. I run back to him.

"Shit." He says trying to get up but he can't.

"Oh man. We gotta get you out of here." I answer him and I help him up.

"I'm okay." He coughs.

"You're not okay, Joel! Now come on!" I yell at him and he gets up. I walk backwards a little watching Joel, and then I turn around keeping my gun pointed in front of me and I walk through a door. "Move it." I say and peek through the door. "There's no one here. Hurry." Joel slowly makes his way to me and we continue going forward. We walk down a hall and I look back at Joel. "You're doing good. Just keep at it."

"I'm coming." Joel answers.

"Through these double doors." We walk forward and through some double doors. I look back and Joel falls but catches himself on a table. "Oh man. Here, lean on me." I say running to him and reaching for him.

"No." He says getting up and I walk away from him slightly.

"Well can you walk?" I snap.

"Yes." He chokes again.

"Then fucking walk!" I can feel myself on the verge of tears and my voice cracks as I say that. We walk through the doors again. "Come on." I say. "There's the exit. Just a little bit more, come on." I run towards the door and I see Joel fall again. "Hey, hey! Joel!"

"Behind you!" Joel says weakly.


"Ellie!" He says and he falls to the ground. I turn around.

"The kids got a gun. Watch out!" A guy shouts.

"Stay the fuck back!" I shoot one guy and he dies. "Oh shit, oh shit." I reload my gun and the other guy comes at me and hits my head with a pipe and I fall to the ground.

"You little shit!" He says. He goes for another swing but I shoot at him a bunch of times and he dies.

Joel is still on the ground and I turn around and go back to him. I lift myself off the ground.
"Joel." I say. "Here, stand up." I help him to his feet and put my hand on his side. "Put your arm around me." He does. "All right, let's go." I say and I help him walk towards the door. "I swear to god, I get you out of this, you're so singing for me." Joel lets out as much as he can muster as a laugh. 

"You wish." We keep walking towards the exit. He coughs and we keep walking. I walk to a counter and lean him against it.

"Wait here. I'll get the door." I say quickly.

"Take your time." I run to the door and I open it, holding it open for him. He limps to the door.

"Come on." Joel pushes open the double doors but falls down and rolls down the stairs in front of the science building. I go after him and there's a guy tugging on Callus' reins.

"What the fuck?" The guy asks and I point my gun at him, he notices me. "Ah, shit." I shoot him and he dies. I run to Joel and bend down.

"Come on." I say trying to help him up.

"Just... get the horse." He's wheezing now.

"Alright..." I stand up and run to Callus, take hold of his reins and walk him to Joel. Joel lifts himself up and I put my hand on his back. "Can you get on?" I question and he walks to the horse. He lifts himself onto Callus, letting out a nonverbal shout of pain and he takes hold of Callus' reins. I lift myself onto Callus and Joel shakes the reins, making Callus go forward.

We're walking down a street. I turn my head and look behind me. "I think we're safe." I assure softly. I turn my head and look back at Joel and he makes a low noise and tilts his head to the side. "Joel?" He falls off of Callus. "Joel." I hop off of Callus. "Ah, shit." I run and I bend down frantically. "Joel - here." I try and lift him. "Get up, get up, get up..." He doesn't budge. I bend by his side and grab his arm. "You gotta tell me what to do." I shake him and I feel tears fall down my face. "Come on... You gotta get up. Joel?"


Chapter 48. Oh man. Another one of those chapters where when writing it I almost cry. Jesus Christ you guys. I told you something bad would happen and there it is. Do you think Joel's dead? Keep reading and you'll find out. I don't think I'll update again, but I leave you with a sad ending and a cliff hanger. Love you forever.


And maybe follow?


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