Chapter XIII

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Joel's POV

I crouch under the stairs, jump down and walk to a door that leads outside.

"The stairwells blocked. Should we go back up?" Ellie questions curiously. Tess climbs over a railing.

"Ahh, this is crazy." Tess says. "Just, don't look down."

"Wha-? Are you serious?" Questions Ellie climbing over the railing. I climb over after her and we're on suspended scaffolding. I follow Tess and Ellie. I jump down onto another one.

"C'mon, Ellie." Tess says.

"Yeah..." Ellie answers. I climb up onto the ledge of the building they're on. "Don't look down. Just don't look down." I'm pressed against the building and I move along the ledge.

"You're okay. We got a way through." Tess assures and we move along.

I go through a window and down some stairs where Ellie and Tess are. We walk through what used to be a door and I pick up a gun. A revolver. Fully loaded. Sweet. I walk to Ellie and Tess.

"Runners." I hear Tess. Runners? Great.

"I'll go check it out. Stay with the girl." I warn. I walk forward and jump down. Oh shit. Joel you'll be okay. Calm down. Don't be a wimp. I focus my hearing and damn there's a lot of them. I look down a hall and I see a runner. Fuck. I back up and pick up a pipe. This should come in handy. I walk along a wall and see a Runner crouched over holding its stomach. I sneak up to the runner, grab it around its neck, and strangle it.

I hide behind the wall again. I then push forward and hide behind a long piece of cement. There's a runner in front of me but far away. I take out my gun and shoot two of them but one veers around the corner but I shoot that. Holy shit they're fast. That was such a bad move Joel! I turn around and one comes charging at me. It slashes at me and I hit it with my pipe and it dies. Another one comes behind me but I turn a around and hit that one also. One of them dropped ammo and I pick it up.

"Alright, come on down." I yell to Tess and Ellie and they meet me. Tess whistles.

"I'm impressed, Joel." She says and I pick up some more ammo for my revolver.

"Pssh." I answer. "Let's just get outta here."

I pick up more ammo and walk forward.

I walk to another room, and then another while picking up a few things. I walk back to the room Tess and Ellie are in and lift myself up onto some cement. I see another chest blocking a door and I pull it away.

"Alright,Tess, go." I say. Man this thing is heavy.

"Alright, hold on." Tess tells me walking through the door. "Here, this'll work. Alright gimme a hand Ellie."

"Yeah." Answers Ellie and they push another chest so it keeps the door open.

"Alright, that should do it." I say and let go of the chest I have. I pick up some ammo and climb over the chest, walking to some couches and pick up some more stuff. I walk to Tess, picking more things up.

"See... Doin' alright..." Tess says out of breath.

"Uh- Huh." I answer and follow them.

I look down and there's a big drop.

"Whoa..." Ellie says.

"Let's get to it." I tell them both and look around. I see somewhere we can climb down. Or at least not kill ourselves for that matter, I walk down it and then jump down.

"We can get through here." I assure them both. "Watch your back." I stay low and walk forward and then jump down again, then down another level. We walk through some broken wall.

"You know I was thinkin'... After we get back, we can take it easy for a little while." I hear Tess.

"You want to take it easy?" I ask and walk down where there's some water. I start to walk through it.

"Hey, you're the one always going on about layin' low."

"And you always brushed me off."

"Well, I won't this time." Walking through the water was pointless and I walk up a hill of debris and then through some more broken wall.

"I'll believe it when I see it." I walk forward and I see a dead body laying limp on some cement that looks like a sewer.

I lift myself onto it and wait for Tess and Ellie. I lift myself up back into the building and crouch under something, then jump down.

"Through here." I say and walk down picking up some scissors and a file. I jump down again. "Tess. Down here." Tess jumps down after me. Subways. Tess walks forward and we see a dead body.

"Look at his sleeve. Firefly." She says.

"Yep. These guys aren't doin' well in or out of the city." I respond, bending down and picking up a bottle. I examine it. Molotov. "Now let's hope there is someone alive to meet us at the drop off." We walk around some and I see a wall we can go under. I crouch under it and walk. I look up and I see a clicker down the corridor.

"Over there. See 'em." I point out.

"Shit." Answers Tess. We slowly move forward and hide behind a knocked over soda machine. "God, we're almost out." Tess looks at me. "Okay, Joel, you take point. I'll watch the rear." I nod and she turns to Ellie. "Ellie, no matter what, you stay right on his heels."

"Sure." Ellie responds and walks to me staying low.

"You stay sharp." Tess assures us both.

"I got it." I answer.


Heeeeeeey guys c: I haven't done an author note in a while. I just want to let you know that when you see the font in italics it's what the character is thinking to them self, if you haven't figured that out. So yeah that's it. Hope you aren't confused! And as always....





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