Part 1

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Hi Everyone! So, this message is posted long after I finished this story. The thing is, a Wattpad user @lovely_madi_ has completely copied this story "Rivals" and just translated everything to French. She did NOT ask for my permission, neither did she give me credit and honestly... I'm really angry. I spend many months working on this story to entertain you guys, and it really hurts to see someone else just stealing it and posting it in their own name. She even has 30k reads, for something that belongs to me. She blocked me, so I can't message her, but please please please, report her story to Wattpad or something like that, because I am truly saddened to see my work being stolen like that.

Thank you for your support <3 and sorry for the interrupt <3



"And here she comes, the checkered flag in sight and Y/n Y/l/n crosses the finish line and wins the Yas Island Formula Two Grand Prix which also means that she is now Formula Two Champion of the world 2019. And the first woman ever to be F2 world champion in a mans world. This ladies and Gentlemen, is history. What a race!"

"WOHOO LET'S GO BOYS!!! FUCKING YEEES" the overly happy girl screamed into her radio thinking that she would probably make everyone who heard it deaf, but she didn't care, because she had just freaking won the F2 world championship. A thing she had worked so hard for through many sexist and stupid obstacles. 

When she parked her car in the front, she got out and ran to her team who were cheering and clapping louder than ever before. She was given tons of hugs and claps on her helmet and more compliments than she had ever gotten before. This was the best day of her life. 

And when the Champaign rained over her and the audience and she finally held the big trophy in her hands, she finally realized what she had actually just done, and she felt the tears threatening to escape. And though she wasn't usually an emotional person, she let them go because this day was special. 

Flashback over


Never in her life had Y/n been more nervous that right now, as she was starring at the massive building in front of her. She would rather go back and experience each pressure from every time she had ever gotten into her racing car than to actually walk into that building. 

She tightened her grib around her steering wheel and had a big debate with her mind to whether she should just drive away again. But no, that would be absolutely ridiculous. She had not come this far to give up her only hope to finally make it to F1. Now that she won F2 a couple of months ago, someone had contacted her and wanted to talk to her about her racing career. 

This was so stupid, she told herself and took a deep breath before finally leaving her car. She felt her knees getting weak, but thought to herself that if she could drive a racing car over 300 km/h and not get scared, she could go to this one meeting as well. 

After almost hyperventilating she finally opened the massive front door and was met with a woman maybe in her 40es sitting behind a red desk. "Hello dear, how may I help you?" at first Y/n thought it was obvious to why she was here, until she realized, she wasn't wearing her racing suit, but simply a white shirt with black pants and a matching blazer. She almost looked... like a grownup. 

"Oh yeah of course, my name is Y/n Y/l/n. I have a meeting with Mattia Binotto in 15 minutes?" the woman behind the desk started tapping a bunch of things on her keyboard and read something on her laptop before looking back at Y/n. "Of course Miss Y/l/n, Mr. Binotto is waiting for you down that hall and the second door to your left" she gave Y/n a wide smile showing all her teeth.

Y/n thanked the woman before making her way down the hall, for some reason, probably nerves, she counted the doors about 5 times making sure that she was going into the right room. She felt her whole body shake and her palms were sweaty. She was absolutely sure that if someone stood close to her right now, they would be able to hear and see her heart beating so fast it was almost falling out her chest. 

Finally she pulled herself together and opened the door. Only, Mr. Binotto wasn't sitting in a chair in the room waiting for her, but instead she met with a pair of familiar eyes attached to the boy she had almost forgot everything about. How the hell do you just randomly forget that your childhood enemy is a part of the team you might also be a part of? Y/n thought to herself and found herself starring a bit too long. 

"Y/n? Long time no see. Are you sure this is the right place for you? I mean, the children's section is further down the hall" he said and gave her one of his famous smirks that she had been receiving way too many times for her liking. "Charming as always, Charles" she said with the fattest layer of sarcasm that she could possibly comprehend. But none the less she kept her head high as she sat down on the red leather chair across from her maybe-soon-to-be-teammate. Though she was seriously considering other options at the moment. 

"So, I heard you just won the F2 World Championship. Don't know how you did it, but congrats I guess" he said while they shared an intense look. The tension between them could possibly be cut with a big fat kitchen knife. "Oh cut the crap, you know I'm a great driver. You're just scared to admit that" she replied pulling herself an inch closer to the table to seem intimidating towards him. "Yeah right. Didn't I just congratulate you?" he raised an eyebrow as if he was oblivious to the sarcasm he used 30 seconds ago. 

"And since when have you ever said something nice to me and actually meant it?" And to that question Charles wasn't given any time to come up with some smart reply, when the door opened once again, and this time it was actually Mr. Binotto who entered the room. "Ah I see my two drivers have already met, welcome to Scuderia Ferrari Y/n" and he put out his right hand for Y/n to shake. She stood up by reflects and shook his hand, and in the middle of doing so, the information she was just given had finally reached her brain. "Wait what? I got the seat?" her eyes lit up, and she felt Charles starring at her with an expression she had no time for. 

"Yes you did. We have been watching your racing for quite some time now, and with Sebastian retiring, we think you would make an excellent driver in his place. This is your chance to prove yourself." his words was so overwhelming at the moment, but she put on a huge smile and once again tears were threatening to escape, but she refused to cry in front of Charles, so she held them in and just continued to smile. 

"Now, I will give you two a proper chance to talk a bit, and then Charles can show you the way to my office, and we can sign your contract. How does that sound?" her reaction time were the slowest it had ever been as it took her a couple of seconds to reply. "That sounds perfect, thank you so much Mr. Binotto. I won't let you down"

A/N First chapter and already super excited! As I have mentioned before in my other F1 story with Lando Norris, I don't know everything about F1, but I really like it and wanted to make another story. I am so sorry if I get anything wrong, feel free to comment. Also, once again I won't always be using the right results for the sake of Y/n. 

I also have to say that I will try and upload as much as possible, but I am currently in school and sometimes have a really busy schedule. 

But none the less I really hope you enjoy the story. <3

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