Part 40

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"Y/n?" she snapped her head not realizing that she had zoned out completely. She was sitting behind the Ferrari motorhome leaning against it with her knees tugged into her chest and her head resting in her hands. She looked up at whomever called her name and a little smile appeared. "Oh hey Lando" she hadn't really talked much to Lando, George or Alex over the past few days. All of them had been so busy, and they barely got time to talk, and she missed her best friends. 

"What are you doing back here?" he asked softly and nodded his head towards the spot next to her, she nodded and he sat down besides her turning his attention towards his best friend. "Thinking" she answered. It was the truth. She was thinking. About everything. "About what?" he asked slightly tilting his head without loosing the eye contact, and Y/n could see the way his blue ish eyes almost turned green with the sunlight hitting them just the right way. 

"I don't know... a lot of things" she shrugged looking down at her feet. Lando definitely noticed the strange behavior from her. "Wanna tell me?" he asked trying not to sound pushy. But reality was, he was worried about her. "I just- ugh... I keep having this feeling that I'm not good enough to be here. And I'm scared that their right" 

"Who's right?" Lando asked her. She looked back at him. "The people who keep saying that a woman shouldn't be racing in F1. That I don't deserve to be here, and that I'm not good enough for this sport" she never realized how dramatic and crazy it actually sounded before saying it out loud, but it also felt good to say it out loud. Lando's heart sank a bit knowing she felt like this, he put a hand on her shoulder and gently stroke it. "Whoever said that are the biggest idiots in the world. You have so much talent and you deserve that seat more than anyone else. You're still a rookie, and you've already achieved so much. Just look at how bad my first season was" he said the last part with a slight chuckle causing Y/n to form a thin smile on her lips. 

The fact that she was lucky enough to have a person like Lando as her best friend really was something quite special. Everyone knew Lando as the funny, goofy and charming guy, and being the youngest also made him like the "child" of the grid. But no one really knew, how special he actually is. Y/n knew that. She knew that Lando could be very serious sometimes, focused and so strong mentally. And she was so happy to call him her best friend. "Thank you, Lando. Really. I needed that" she smiled at him. 

"Anytime" he simply answered and got back on his feet and reached his hand out for her to take. She chuckled before accepting it and he pulled her back on her feet. Before they parted ways he pulled her in for a tight hug. She gladly accepted it and wrapped her arms around him. But suddenly she felt Lando tensing up. "What?" she whispered neither of them had let go yet. "Okay don't freak out, but some paparazzies have noticed us and they're talking pictures" he whispered back. Fuck, she thought. Not this bullshit again. She had already been rumored with Lando one time, and she really didn't want it again.

They tried acting normal as they let go and just ignored the paparazzies as they each walked away. Y/n walked back to her driver's room to get changed into some normal clothes. As she had just put her clothes on a knock came on the door. "Hey what are you still doing here?" she turned around to look at Charles who had a confused look on his face. "I just needed some fresh air and stuff, what about you?" she said referring to the fact that he was already wearing normal clothes again. 

"Well I was looking for you. I thought, I could give you a ride back to the hotel" she smiled at the kind gesture of her boyfriend. "Aw thanks, yeah I'd love that. One sec" she saying turned around again to pack her bag and put on some shoes before she was ready. As they were driving back to the hotel and Charles had his hand once again resting on her thigh, he noticed that she seemed a bit off. 

"Love?" she looked at him and answered: "yeah?" he looked back on the road to drive safely. "Are you okay?" Damn. He noticed too. First Lando, now Charles. "Yeah uh I'm okay" he squeezed her thigh gently and sighed. He didn't believe her. "Look we can talk, when we get back, okay?" he wasn't 100% satisfied with her answer, but agreed and drove them both back. 

"Alright, now tell me what's going on please?" Charles said as he sat down on her hotel bed and pulled her down as well so she was sitting across from him. She debated whether or not to tell him, but knew that sooner or later rumors would fly around. "Well I just needed some fresh air to clear my mind after qualifying, so I was sitting behind the motorhome. Suddenly Lando shows up, and we just talk for a bit. That is until paparazzies noticed us and took pictures as we hugged, and now I'm sure that I'll be rumored to date Lando again" 

"Again? You've been rumored together before? When?" Charles wasn't the jealous type at all. But something inside him wasn't feeling alright as he heard that his girlfriend had been rumored with her best friend multiple times apparently. "Uh I don't know, a few weeks ago maybe. But it still pisses me off because they're always trying to make up rumors and drama that doesn't even exist" Charles sighed. No, there was no way he could be jealous of Lando. He could obviously see, how uncomfortable it made her, and he trusts her 100% 

"Are you mad I didn't tell you?" she asked carefully as she had noticed him becoming slightly tense as she mentioned the dating rumors. But luckily he loosened up and grabbed her hand. "No of course not, I trust you, babe. And I'm sorry that you have to go through this" he said and pulled her into a hug. She instantly felt better and they collapsed on the bed and just cuddled up next to each other. 

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