Part 57

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Y/n felt like all the inspiring speeches and great results, she got yesterday, had vanished away into the thin air, and she was just standing in the garage looking at her car and not feeling like driving at all. 

She had already done her warm ups and were getting in the car in about 5 minutes or so, but Y/n was frozen. Looking at her car, and the other Ferrari car that Robert were currently driving just brought a huge wave of emotions towards her, and she felt like drowning. 

"Y/n?" she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Robert who starred at her, "What?" she asked and followed Roberts eyes that traced of and landed on the table besides her. "Isn't that your phone ringing?" she looked over and right enough, she saw her phone and an unknown number lighting up her screen. 

She decided to pick up, "Hello?" she said. "Is this Y/n Y/l/n?" an unknown voice said making her very confused. "Yeah" she said unsure of what was going on. "This is Mary Angela from Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco, we've got a few news from patient Charles Leclerc" 

Y/n's heart immediately began racing and she walked out of the garage so she could hear what was being say better. "What are news?" she asked feeling more and more nervous about bad news fearing the worst. 

"He has yet to wake up, but we do see signs of improving, and a few hours ago there was a bit of moving. There is still hope" the woman spoke and Y/n smiled bright. "Really? Oh thank God, this is good news" she said almost in tears by now. "Yes, this is good news. We will call the moment there is any kind of progress" the woman said again and when she had finally hung up, Y/n was wiping a few tears away from her cheeks before going back inside. 

This race just got a whole lot easier... 


Or maybe not. Maybe Y/n was a bit overwhelmed and it caused her to loose a bit of focused and she somehow managed to loose 8 positions right into turn on. She was down in P10 and was desperately trying to catch the car in front of her. 

"Alright DRS with be enabled soon, but you have to watch the tires. Especially the front left tire, box in 10 laps" Riccardo informed her, and with desperation and frustration she kept on driving. 

It was hard. Very hard. Especially when she kept picturing Charles not waking up, but only for it to be exchanged with a picture of him actually waking up. She had so many feelings inside of her that she had been hiding for so long, and they were all threatening to come out right now. 

And then, it all went down... As Y/n drove past turn 6, 10 laps later, she spotted two cars in the gravel. "Safety car, Y/n. Box box" This was her change. After climbing up into P9, she was now P7 after the two cars that had crashed out. And getting fresh tires on and getting a change of a restart behind the safety car was perhaps what she needed. 

While waiting for the race to start again, she thought back to what Peter had said two days earlier. This was about her and the car, about living her dream and achieving her goals, and make herself, the team and Charles proud. She had been working so hard to finally get into Formula One.

Being under pressure her entire life, always getting the last opportunities because of her gender, everything came down to this moment. The love of her life was miles away in a coma, and she had to make the absolute best out of this race to make him proud. She was doing this for him. She was driving for Charles. 

The race restarted and once again Y/n felt like a whole new person. It was hard to describe, but it was as if she had somehow gotten this random boost of energy and she already used it into the first corner overtaking two cars and once climbing up into P5.

"Yes, great job Y/n. 21 laps to go, make it count" Riccardo spoke, and with adrenaline pumping through her veins, she chased down the next car. 

She was battling a lot with the car in front of her, but finally she pushed him hard enough and he made a mistake and went a bit wider allowing Y/n to overtake him. P4 and 15 laps to go. In front of her she saw the glimpse of a Red Bull car, and it looked to her as if it was slowing down a bit. "Gasly is loosing power, you should catch him within a lap or two" she was informed and that did explain the slower driving Red Bull car. 

And within two laps she had caught him and there was nothing Pierre could do, and Y/n overtook him with ease. Only two more cars in front of her and 13 laps to go. Y/n was in the need of a miracle, and somewhere, maybe in the sky, someone smiled down at her as she felt her pace increase and was closing the gab to the car in front of her. 

It was getting riskier and riskier, and her tires were slowly wearing off, but she couldn't stop now. She was on fire as she once again battled with a car. Overtaking was hard. Very hard, but she did eventually manage to get pass with the use of her late breaking skills. "Keep pushing, Y/n. Gab to Bottas, 4.2. 9 laps to go. Keep pushing"

Y/n wasn't much of a believer. But right now, she was believing. Believing in her car, believing in Charles and believing in herself. And she was hungry for that win. Very hungry. The race was almost over. 4 more laps to go and the gab was 1.9 seconds to the leading car after Bottas got a puncture and had to retire. She was closing in, but her tires were getting worse and worse. 

Starting her last lap, and she was basically driving right behind the leading car. Her tires were screaming for her to slow down, but she didn't listen. Not now. "Last lap, Y/n. Hang on" Riccardo said not realizing that his driver was gonna risk everything on the last lap. 

Because that's what she did. She risked everything and pushed her tires above their limit in one last desperate attempt to snatch the lead. Diving around a corner, she could see the last corner before the finish line, and this was the time to attack. 

Both cars was speeding into the final corner driving side by side. All Y/n was thinking about, was Charles, and that made her stronger. She felt her tires basically giving up, so instead she used the rest of the car, and pushed the car away from the inside. 

The car was still chasing her, but it was useless. Y/n's tires almost exploded, but she crossed the finishing line a second earlier than the other car. 

She fucking did it. 

"P1 Y/N! P1! You did it!!!"

ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 [ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕃𝕖𝕔𝕝𝕖𝕣𝕔] ✔Where stories live. Discover now