Part 11

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The first thing Y/n felt was her massive headache, like her head was constantly being crushed by an elevator over and over again. The next thing she felt was an unfamiliar substrate, this was definitely not what a bed felt like. It took her a good amount of time, but she finally got her eyes opened and slightly adjusted to the bright light shining through the windows. And then she finally pulled herself together and looked down to see, what the hell she was laying on. 

At first she thought well done, Y/n, when she saw the muscular chest she was resting her head and her own chest on. But her mind very quickly changed when she looked further up and saw who the body belonged too. Her whole body and brain froze, when she starred right at a sleeping Charles with messy morning hair and a relaxed look on his face. And then it happened, all her drunken memories from the night before hit her like a fucking bus, as she realized that she was completely naked, and she was in the same bed as a completely naked Charles who by the way had his arms around her, so she was cuddled up next to him. 

Seeing as Charles wasn't awake yet, it was only Y/n who was currently freaking out. Did she seriously just sleep with her childhood rival AND her current teammate? Oh shit, he was her current teammate. She could loose her seat in F1 if anyone found out. This was a disaster. But as she thought back to the night they had just spend together, a part of her couldn't help but smile. No! Wtf, Y/n. She thought to herself. She really shouldn't be smiling right now. 

Suddenly she noticed Charles moving around a bit, and she panicked and quickly closed her eyes pretending to be asleep. "Do you always stare at people who sleep?" his very raspy (and hot) morning voice made her cheeks burn like crazy as she squeezed her eyes together pretending she didn't hear it. But her heart jumped, when she felt his hand gently moving some pieces of her hair behind her ear so could look at her face better. 

She realized that he obviously knew, she was awake, and there weren't really any point in hiding that anymore. So she slowly opened her eyes and met his eyes. "I wasn't starring" but that was a big fat lie, and he knew that, but chose not to say anything. Instead he moved his hand further down on her back, gently stroking it while just starring at her with a soft look. She had no idea what to do with herself, but she also didn't feel uncomfortable which made her panic even more. 

He smiled and without warning he lifted his head a bit reaching her lips. Just as he was like a millimeter from touching her lips he smiled, "Sure you weren't" and though her heart was running a marathon, she didn't pull back when their lips touched. And even more memories came back from last night. This was bad. She was in deep shit, but in this little moment, she had no intention of stopping. "Wait" or maybe the inner voice in her head, actually managed to talk some reason with her. She put her hands on his chest like she was holding him back. 

"This can't happen, and you know that" never in her life did she ever came to think that she would actually feel bad for saying stuff like this to Charles. But believe it or not, it was hurting her on the inside. He sighed knowing that she was right and pulled away, though they were still cuddled up like before. "Do you regret it?" he then asked her. It was a good question to be honest. 

She never thought this would have ever happened, but a part of her was kinda glad it did. She looked into his beautiful eyes for a few seconds. "No" it made him smile a bit, and he gently stroke her cheek. "Me neither." They laid there in silence for what felt like seconds, but was actually about half a hour. None of them said a thing, but they didn't move one inch away from each other. They both knew this would have to end right away, because none of them wanted to loose their dream job and honestly their whole life. 

But right now they were both just enjoying this little moment, whishing it would last forever. None of them wanted to let go, but they couldn't stay like this much longer. Some people might suspect something. Y/n sighed knowing she had to get up now before it was too late and she would decide to never let go again. "Do you really have to go" He plead really really wanting her to stay. It was hard for her to say yes, but it was the right thing to do. "I'm sorry, Charles. I really am." she grabbed her clothes on the floor and went out on the bathroom knowing that Charles was starring at her, but though she was naked, she didn't care. 

She put on her underwear and the dress from the part and held her heels in her hand when she came out of the bathroom. Charles had put on some sweats and a t-shirt. Seeing as today was their day off, he didn't wanna dress up at all. Right as she stood by the door ready to leave, he ran up to her. "Can we still go back to our friendship?" you could hear the sadness in his voice, and it was breaking her more and more. "Yeah... I know things have changed now, but we're still teammates, right?" he pulled out her hand for him to shake. 

But instead of shaking it he pulled her closer pressing his lips against her. It was a short but passionate kiss. "Sorry, I just had to do that one last time" she bit her lower lip seriously considering to just fuck it all and be with him, but instead she gave him a smile and quickly left the room before anything else could happen. 

When she entered her own hotel room she immediately removed her clothes and stepped into the shower. And for the first time since she won the F2 world Championship, she cried. Only this time it wasn't happy tears. She really fucked up. 

A/N sooooo that happened... but this is only the beginning of the story, so I hope you'll keep reading <3

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