Part 52

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A wide talking and whispering had spread through the whole garage as all eyes were glued on the big TV screen where the crash were being replayed. But Y/n didn't listen nor did she watch the TV. Instead she just stood completely frozen feeling completely numb. 

Charles had crashed...

Her biggest fear had become reality, and no one had heard anything yet. The cameras were filming on the two destroyed cars, where Bottas had just climbed out with the help from the medicals. But Charles had yet to exit his car, and the whole track, the audience, the other teams, the garage, everyone was holding their breaths as a deadly silence filled the circuit. 

Suddenly a hand was placed on Y/n's shoulder and she turned around where Peter's distressed eyes met hers. It was clear that he, like everyone else, was scared and praying to God that he would be okay. "He's gonna be okay" Peter whispered but was unable to sound convincing. Y/n didn't answer, instead she looked at the screen where medical had now arrived by Charles' car. But nothing was heard over the radio where Charles' radio engineer was desperately trying to get Charles to say anything, and nothing was seen on screen if Charles were okay or even alive. 

Right now Y/n couldn't care less about herself and those troubles she might be in, when she suddenly dropped her helmet and balaclava on the ground and stormed out of the garage. She heard Peter call her name, but she didn't turn around when she walked out of the garage and into the pitlane. 

She didn't care about the other teams that starred at her when she walked pass their garage in the pitlane. She noticed Lando and Carlos, and they called her name, but neither did she listen to them. She didn't care about reporters that had noticed her and was definitely up for a good story. She didn't care about the cameras that were probably on their way to film her. Y/n, the ruthless driver that were slightly running on the track to get to her boyfriend - meaning her teammate, since no one knew about their relationship. She didn't care about the consequences she might be facing soon. The only thing she cared about was to know, if Charles were okay.

In a matter of minutes her hair and racing suit was soaked in the still pouring rain, and multiple times she had to rub her eyes because the water kept running down her forehead and into her eyes. It didn't take her long to reach the crash as it happened pretty close to the pitlane. In fact she was basically still standing in the pitlane, and as she looked back, she noticed other people from different teams also walking in the pitlane with worried looks on their faces. 

She watched as Bottas walked away seeming unharmed as only a single medical was walking behind him. Bottas soon noticed Y/n that had stopped to watch as a part of her was shit scared to get closer. Bottas approached her taking his helmet of, and you could see the scared look on his face. "Y/n I- I'm so sorry. I didn't see him in the rain, and I couldn't stop before it was too late. I honestly don't know what happened and-" Bottas was clearly taken back as Y/n wrapped her arms around him. 

He patted her back as he realized that she was sobbing. When she pulled away again her eyes were slightly red as both drivers were soaked in the rain. Suddenly two security people came over to them, and Valtteri was instructed to go to the medical center. Y/n wanted to get closer as they had tipped the car over now, and Y/n could narrowly see Charles still sitting in the car. 

"Sorry ma'am, but you can't get closer" he said putting his arm out in front of Y/n. She looked at him feeling the tears in her eyes again. "Please, I need to know if he's okay" she begged, but the man didn't move. "I'm sorry" he simply said, and Y/n sighed knowing that she couldn't do anything else. Instead she watched in tears as Charles were now out of the car and put on a stretcher where the medicals carried him into their ambulance. "Oh God" she whispered to herself as everyone watched the ambulance roll out onto the track where it quickly drove away. 

"Ma'am?" Y/n looked at the security guy and realized that the ambulance had gone down. And that's when she ran back to her garage. Once again she felt people starring at her, but she couldn't care less. She rushed back into the garage where she was stopped by Peter. 

"Y/n you need to calm down. Just breathe" He placed his hands on her shoulders forcing her to stop and look at him. "I can't loose him, Peter" she mumbled as she sat down on a chair. The whole garage was like everyone else in complete shock, and no one knew what to do with themselves. "Look at me" Peter began and with hesitation, Y/n looked at him. "They're taking him to the hospital. We don't know anything yet, but FIA is currently deciding wether the race will be completely stopped" 

"Peter I can't go out there again, I need to go to the hospital. If he- you know... then I wanna be there" she said through the tears. "I understand. But you will have to wait until the FIA announce anything." 

A couple of minutes later the FIA announced that the race wouldn't continue, and Y/n rushed upstairs to her driver's room to get out of her racing suit. Her hear was still soaked, but she didn't care as she just put the nearest clothes on and grabbed the keys to her car. She was cleared to leave the track, and without much more thinking she drove to the hospital. 

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