Part 53

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"I'm here to see Charles Leclerc" Y/n desperately spoke at the reception in the hospital. The doctor was looking rather weird at her since she was soaked by the rain again after the walk from her car and into the hospital. And also probably because Y/n had tears streaming down her face, her hair was a mess and she was breathing heavily. 

"Are you his family?" the doctor asked clearly not understanding. "I'm his- teammate and friend" she couldn't exactly tell doctor that she was his girlfriend. What if someone else would find out then? "Do you have proof of that?" Y/n groaned in frustration, but pulled out her phone and found some pictures that was valid. "Alright, well he's currently being checked on, but he's in room 214 on the second floor." that was all the information Y/n needed as she ran to the stairs to get to the second floor. 

She soon reached the second floor and ran from door to door trying to find the right number. Finally she found it and was about to enter it, when some other doctor stepped in front of her. "Sorry ma'am, but you can't go in there right now" she looked at the doctor with desperation. "Please, I need to see him. I need to know if he's okay" she begged. 

"We're doing everything we can. You will have to wait" Y/n wanted to say something more, but instead she sighed heavily and sat down on a chair by the door. When she sat down, all her emotions came running over her all over again, but due to the fact that she had about zero energy left, she just let out a few silent sobs, the tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. She began shaking because her somewhat wet clothes and hair began feeling cold against her body, but she didn't move. She just starred at room 214 with a blank expression on her face. 

Her phone kept vibrating in her pocket, but her brain didn't register it. God knows how long she had been sat there just waiting for someone to tell her that he was okay. Actually just tell her anything. Not knowing what was going on was slowly killing her. 

"Y/n?" finally her brain was somewhat functioning, because she turned her head around and starred right at Lando, Alex, Pierre and George. Though she clearly heard them say her name, and she was looking at them, not a single word escaped her lips. She was frozen. They all sat down on the chairs besides her, Lando the closest to her. "How is he?" Lando asked. It was written on their faces that they were worried as well. Everyone knew Charles really well, and he was a good mate to them. Especially Pierre. He was his best friend. 

"They won't tell me" she finally managed to open her mouth with words coming out of it. Lando sighed and grabbed her hand to gently stroke it when his eyes instantly widened. "My God, Y/N. You're freezing!" he began touching her clothes and hair and realized that she was still shaking, and her clothes was still a bit wet. Lando ordered her to take her sweater off, so she could wear Lando's dry one instead (He had a t-shirt underneath). She didn't bother to argue, and did as he said putting his sweater on instantly feeling a bit warmer. 

She could feel herself still shaking, so she leaned against Lando's shoulder, and he instantly wrapped his arms around her while stroking her hair trying to calm her and probably himself down as well. "He's strong, Y/n. And I know he would never leave you behind" Lando whispered so only she could hear it. Neither Alex, Pierre or George said anything. And now Lando and Y/n sat in silence as well waiting for some news, bad or good. 


Around 4 hours later and there were still no news from Charles. Many other drivers had called or visited, and of course a few exclusive Ferrari team members were waiting with Alex, George, Pierre, Lando and Y/n as well. Most people were sleeping including Lando that had held Y/n in his arms the entire time. But Y/n couldn't close her eyes. She tried, but realized that it brought far from the peace she hoped. 

Instead she just starred at the wall while her thoughts were having a freaking rage party in her mind. 1000 of different thoughts were all playing around in her head, and she felt like it could explode at any second now. 

After what felt like an eternity, the door to room 214 was finally opened, and Y/n was the first one to get up waking up Lando and pretty much everyone else as well. The doctor had an unreadable look on his face which made Y/n even more worried. "So?" She said feeling like her voice would break if she spoke more than that one word. "We have good and bad news... the good news is that he's alive" the doctor held a little break. "And the bad news?" Y/n said afraid of what would come next. 

"It was a pretty heavy impact, and he hit not only his head, but multiple ribs and organs are a bit damaged as well. He's currently in a minor coma, and I'm afraid, I can't tell when or if he'll wake up. It could take days, weeks maybe even years" Y/n felt her heart shatter. Was there even any good news in that? 

She was physically drained from any more tears, but as she looked at her friends and everyone else who had showed up, she saw them all with sad looks on their faces. Probably trying to suppress their tears. "Can we see him?" she asked the doctor as he nodded. "Yeah of course" he opened the door to room 214, and Y/n looked at her friends who nodded and followed her into the room. 

Y/n swallowed hard as her eyes scanned the body that was laying on the bed. Even though Charles was hooked up on a bunch of wires and beeping machines, and you could see some bruises on his arms and his pale face, somehow he still looked... peaceful. Like he was just sleeping. His chest slowly rising and falling again. 

Y/n stood still while Alex, George, Lando and Pierre all got a little closer. No one said anything, but it was for sure that everyone had about a million thoughts in their heads. Y/n wanted to get closer to him, to hold his hand and speak to him even though he wouldn't respond, but her body was frozen. All she could do was stare at the love of her life laying on a hospital, and not knowing if he'll ever wake up again.

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