Part 30

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Luckily she pulled through FP1 with P8 and FP2 with P5, and she could go back to the hotel to relax her head after an exhausting day and night. When she was out on the track, her mind was focused on racing, and over the years she had become better and better at pushing her stressful thoughts away and just focus on driving. Her whole life people around her were always giving her negative comments about her being a "woman in a mans sport" or other stressful comments, and after all those years, she had learned to cope with it. But as soon as the driving was over, her head became filled with the thoughts that returned. 

Much like right now, when she was laying on her hotel bed starring into the ceiling while her thoughts were running wild. She constantly had flashbacks from her nightmare, and she became more and more nervous about the race. She wanted to call Charles or George or Alex or Lando, but she was scared to tell them. And she didn't want them to stress about it too. So she decided to order some room service and just put a movie on before falling asleep. Or at least trying too. 

The next day Y/n felt like shit, when she sat in her drivers room getting ready for qualifying. She had barely slept last night, and she could barely eat breakfast, and her whole body felt weak and shaky. And all she really wanted to do right now, was to lay down and relax. Her thoughts were killing her. And it wasn't just flashbacks from the nightmare that was still haunting her. She felt... sick, in some weird way. But she was too stubborn and probably stupid to not go racing. 

So despite her feeling like shit, she put on her racing suit and went downstairs and down to the pitlane where Peter were waiting for her. As she was doing her warm up, Peter noticed that she was slightly unfocused doing her warm ups, and it wasn't like her to be like that. While she was doing some of warm ups he studied her face, and realized how pale she was looking. This wasn't just nerves. "Y/n?" she turned around and looked at Peter, "Yeah?" she asked not knowing what he would ask her about. 

"Are you okay? you seem a little unfocused" she didn't wanna tell him, she felt sick. Though she should have, but she didn't. "Yeah I'm okay, just a little nervous" she lied turning away from him. Finally her warm up were done, and she was almost ready to get in the car. Charles came up to her to wish her good luck. "Hey stranger" she turned around and was barely able to focus on his eyes. Her whole body felt weaker and weaker, and she was so nervous to tell anyone. "Woah there are you okay?" Charles instantly noticed that something was wrong with his girlfriend, and it made him nervous. 

"I'm fine" she whispered, but was clearly not fine as she lost consciousness for a few seconds blacking out, and it was only because Charles had quick reflexes that he caught her before she fell to the ground. Everyone in the garage noticed and looked nervously at each other as they saw that their female driver had passed out for a few second. Y/n opened her eyes 10 seconds later to see that Charles had his arms wrapped around her from preventing her to fall to the ground and a very worried look on his face. 

She got back on her feet again, but Peter and a few mechanics were already over by her. "I'm fine" she repeated and was about to put her helmet on before Charles took it away from her. "No way you're driving, when you just passed out" Charles wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her telling her everything would be alright, but he sadly couldn't do that in public, and instead he just watched as Peter wrapped his arms around her because it looked like she was about to pass out again. 

She wanted to object, but realized that she had zero energy in her body. "I'll take you to the medical" Peter said and helped her get out of the garage. Some people noticed and gave them weird looks, and even some of the drivers noticed her. "Hey Y/n, what's going on?" Peter and a very pale Y/n turned around as they saw Lewis Hamilton starring at them. Y/n wanted to answer, but couldn't find the strength. "She doesn't feel well, but I'm taking her to the medicals" 

Lewis looked at his pale friend and hoped that she was alright before nodding. "Okay, get better soon Y/n" she flashed him a little smile before Lewis had to get into his car. And Y/n and Peter walked the rest of the way to the medical rooms. 

Y/n squeezed her eyes together when the doctor flashed a bright light in front of her eyes as she was laying on a bed while Peter was standing besides her by her bed. She still felt weak, and she was still pale and could barely keep her eyes opened. "Luckily it doesn't seem to be anything serious. You simply just look like you're having some fever and a headache. Have you slept badly lately?" the doctor asked her. She nodded "yeah kinda" she replied. "I think you just need a good nights sleep and some rest. It's probably just a bit of stress and common sickness, nothing to worry about. I'm gonna give you some sleeping medicine, so you can sleep for some hours in here"

"What about the race?" she asked almost with tears in her eyes. "You won't be racing today. Maybe tomorrow if you're lucky. Otherwise you'll have to wait until the next race. I'm sorry" the doctor left the room and Peter sighed. "Why didn't you tell me, you felt sick this morning?" he asked her. "I'm sorry" was honestly all she could say. Peter didn't say anything else, and just left her alone instead so she could sleep. She wanted to get back out in the car, but knew that some good hours of sleep would probably be the best, so she took the pills and slowly drifted off.

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