Part 62

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Being back in Monaco brought a huge smile on Y/n's face. Not only did she get another great result in Turkey, but she also had time to spend here in Monaco with Charles as he had finally returned to his apartment. 

For obvious reasons, Charles was not yet healed completely, and he still needed help doing a lot of things. But at least he was home, and and least he was looking better day by day. And of course Y/n would be by his side for as long as possible before going to Bahrain, where she would have to stay for two weekends, since two races in a row would be held there. 

But right now she wasn't focusing on leaving again, instead she let out a big sigh of relief, when finally locked herself into Charles' apartment. "Babe, I'm home!" she shouted out from the hallway. "Upstairs!" Charles shouted back and Y/n jogged upstairs where the bedroom door was open, and Charles was laying in his bed watching TV. 

He had just arrived home a few hours ago, where a nurse had been helping him until Y/n would arrive. "Hi love" she smiled softly and crawled into bed, where she snuggled up against Charles who was already playing with her hair. 

He placed a soft kiss against her lips and locked eyes with her, "How was Turkey besides your amazing result?" he smiled and she wrapped her arms around it. "It was fun, like you said. But I missed you a lot" she replied closing her eyes and enjoying him tracing circles on her arm. "I miss you too, my love. More than ever" he replied and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before they both drifted off into sleep. 


"Come on, I can help making dinner" Charles complained when the pair woke up hours later after their little nap. Y/n had helped him downstairs where after she had placed him on a soft chair with his legs up on another chair with some pillows on it and a blanket around him, while she began making dinner in the kitchen. "Babe, I know, you just want to help, but the only thing you should focus on is getting better. Don't worry about dinner" she said softly. 

"I just hate feeling so useless right now" he said looking at the ground making Y/n's heart break. She hated the fact that he was feeling like this. She looked around the kitchen and smiled when she got an idea. "I have an idea" she smiled and grabbed another chair that Charles could use as a table meanwhile she also got him a chopping board. 

"I could always use a hand with cutting the vegetables?" she said offering him the vegetables. Charles' face instantly lit up and he happily accepted her offer, and she turned on some light music and hummed around the kitchen while making dinner and even with Charles helping. 

Soon they both sat at the dining table enjoying a delicious meal and having a conversation about the most random things. After they were both stuffed, Y/n cleaned the table and washing the plates while Charles got comfortable on the couch. 

Then she made some popcorns and joined Charles on the couch covering them both in a cozy blankets and lighting a few candles and turning on Netflix. "This is just what I needed" Charles sighed comfortably as he was resting his head in Y/n's lap while she ran her fingers though his hair and just held his hand finally feeling like home again. "Couldn't agree more, babe" she smiled. 


 Days went by and Charles became more and more capable of doing simple things by himself. Y/n had been with him in Monaco for 7 days now, and today he managed to put most of his clothes on without help and he is definitely walking a lot better than 7 days ago. 

Y/n is still watching everything he does to make sure that he doesn't hurt himself. It's very important that he heals and rests so he can retrain his body and get ready for hopefully the next season. But Charles was more than grateful to have Y/n back home. 

Guilt had been eating Charles up so fast. He couldn't help but feel like this was all his fault. He promised Y/n that he would be careful, and that he would never leave her, and then when she was the most nervous about a race, he made a dangerous move and it almost cost him his life. 

And he was apparently in a coma, and no one knew if he would actually wake up. He couldn't imagine what Y/n and his friends and family went through, and he felt so terrible about if because if could have all been avoided if he had just driven more carefully. 

And even though he was so happy to be around Y/n again, he also felt guilty that she had to help him with everything. She assured him over and over that she wanted nothing more than to help him, but it still made him feel bad. 

"Babe, are you okay?" Charles snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of her voice and turned around to look at her. "Yeah all good" he replied putting o a smile. "We should probably get you into the shower" she said as Charles could not yet stand up by himself and shower. 

She helped him into the thankfully large bathroom and began undressing herself and Charles. She might as well take a shower as well, and it wasn't like Charles hadn't seen her body before. They had placed a plastic stool in the middle of the shower, so Charles could sit down while taking the shower. 

Charles couldn't help but scan her beautiful body and suddenly found it very difficult to control himself. He hadn't felt her burning touch in what felt like forever, and right now he was craving it. A lot. 

Y/n stepped into the shower with Charles and helped him sit on the stool before turning on the water. She washed her own hair and body while Charles washed what he could manage of his won body before Y/n did the rest along with his hair. 

While Y/n washed the last of their soap off of their body, she felt a smooth pair of hands tracing small circles on her thighs. She looked down at Charles and none of them could control their smirks. "Are you sure?" she asked softly grabbing his hand. "I need you, love" he pleaded, "I don't wanna hurt you" she replied, "I'll say stop if it's too much" he said and slowly pulled her down on his lap. 

She gave in with a smile and straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck before kissing him passionately. Finally they were together again and Charles quickly wrapped his arms around her as well pulling her closer. She felt him underneath her getting hard, and she couldn't quite control herself or the moans escaping her mouth anymore. 

"I love you so much" she whispered throwing her head back in pure enjoyment. "I love you more than anything" he whispered against her skin. 

A/N So, I'm sorry if I'm kinda flashing forward a bit too much some times. I just don't want it to get boring, and the story is coming to an end. Not yet though, but soon. And so, I don't just wanna write a bunch of filler chapters, so I hope you all still enjoy and thanks for still sticking with me <3

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