BONUS - The Meeting

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Y/n was sweating and pacing around unable to sit still. Her and Charles were sat outside Mr. Binotto's office waiting for him to finish a meeting so they could finally talk to him. The many celebrations and dinners post race were now over and it was days later back at the factory, where the last couple of things would have to be finished before going on the winter break. 

Only right now, Y/n nor Charles was certain if they would even return to the factory. "Y/n stop pacing around" Charles finally said after she had been doing so for the last 10 minutes. "How are you so calm? I'm shit scared" she confessed sitting down next to Charles as she began fiddling with her hair instead. 

"Hey look at me, love" Charles said grabbing her hand, "We can always leave and just keep hiding it, or we can go in there and tell him how it is and face whatever might happen. What do you say?" he asked and she looked at him. "I wanna be with you without hiding it" she finally answered and took a deep breath. 


Around 30 minutes later, Mr. Binotto was finally finished with the meeting and he looked at his two drivers before inviting them inside his office. The pair each to a seat across from their team boss. "So, what do you wanna talk about?" he beamed still being high on the adrenaline of finishing the season in P3. 

Y/n looked at Charles and sighed heavily. "We have a confession to make, sir. But before you say anything, I wanna give you some valid arguments" she began taking the deepest breath that she could comprehend. 

"You're dating" Mr. Binotto said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Y/n chocked on air and both drivers had wide eyes. "Uh- I- what? No- we... how?" she stuttered and Mr. Binotto started laughing. 

"Oh dear, it's really not that hard to see. I figured out about 2 months ago or so, when I finally started noticing your behavior around each other. You really don't hide it very well" he laughed and neither Charles or Y/n understood what the hell was going on. "I'm sorry sir, but- why are you laughing?" Charles asked. 

"Because it's funny to see, how nervous you both are right now" he said still laughing. "Look we aren't breaking up, so you're gonna have to fire us both then" Y/n then said and Mr. Binotto  stopped laughing and looked at her. 

"I'm not gonna fire the best drivers I've had in a long time. You're both the future of this team, and you've already showed that in the first season. You've got nothing to worry about" he smiled and it was finally hitting Y/n and Charles what he was saying. 

"Wait we're not fired? But I thought-" Y/n said trailing off. "I know, it's technically our team rules. But as I was saying, you two have both performed very well, even both winning a race. And luckily, I have a lot of power over the team, and I've made a special deal for the two of you. I talked to my superior, and we agreed that if we could get P3 in the constructer ship and continue to deliver, you should be allowed to date. I mean, we can't control our feelings right?" he smiled and now both drivers were smiling as well. 

"Oh my- Thank you, sir. That you so much" Y/n spoke, "We really appreciate you, and we promise not to let you down next season" Charles joined and Mr. Binotto chuckled. "I know, you wont. Now, go home. You both deserve a well earned winter break." Binotto said and they left his meeting room. 

"What the fuck just happened?" Y/n asked as they were sat in Charles' car. "I have no idea, but I'm happy" Charles chuckled and Y/n joined him. "Me too, babe, me too" she smiled and leaned in over her seat to press her lips against his for a passionate kiss. "I love you so much" she whispered. "I love you more" Charles replied with a warm smile. 



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