Part 10

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Hours later Y/n felt herself become more tipsy as she had drunken a little more than intended. But everyone seemed to be having a good time, her included. She was now at the dance floor surrounded by a big crowd, but after dancing for quite some time, she felt kinda dizzy and had to step outside for some fresh air. 

"Who are you trynna impress dressed like that?" Even being drunk, Charles still found time to come up with some sassy comment to her. She turned around and saw him leaning against the wall obviously being amused by drunk Y/n. "Why do you care?" She said slightly stumbling over her words. "Oh no I don't, I'm just curious" he said still finding it amusing. "Hm whatever you say" she scoffed feeling herself being less dizzy. 

But as she was standing outside having a usual witty conversation with Charles, she realized how tired she actually was and called an Uber. "Wanna come?" she pointed at the Uber that had just arrived. See, sober Y/n would have never asked that, and sober Y/n was probably madly disappointed in drunk Y/n, but drunk Y/n didn't seem to care. "Sure" Charles shrugged and they got into the Uber.

She tried texting Lando that she was going back to the hotel, but her messages ended up looking a bit like this: 'I ar goin homme'. Yeah sober Y/n was not proud of that one. The whole ride back to the hotel, Charles and Y/n were laughing at the most stupid things, but it was oddly fun hanging out with Charles like this. They seriously couldn't stop laughing. All the way up to their rooms which were on the 5th floor right next to each other they laughed and pushed each other like two kids. 

"Wanna order room service and watch a movie in my room?" They were both clearly drunk, but it was like alcohol was the solution to their rivalry. Sure, they had had their moments while sober, but this was different. "Yeah, sounds fun" Y/n said without second thoughts. They plopped down onto the big bed not bothering to change close and ordered some room service while Y/n put on some comedy movie. 

When room service arrived they sat in his bed across from each other, and happily ate their meals. "Can I ask you something?" Y/n said right after they had finished their food and put it all aside as they were about to lay down to watch the movie. "Yeah go ahead" he said admiring her. He too had felt a different connection between them this night, and he too had had a pretty good time. It was actually fun when they weren't arguing all the time. 

"Why do we hate each other so much?" it was like she was asking that question to both of them. And it took a couple of seconds before Charles said anything. "If I'm being honest... I don't know" that made her smile a little. "If I'm being honest as well, I don't know either" they sat there on the bed for a few seconds starring at each other. "I mean, it's kinda fun when we're not arguing all the time" she said again and crawled over the bed to sit next to him leaned against the wall. 

They looked at each other, "I think so too" Charles finally said and smiled at her. This time not his famous smirk, but a genuine smile. And suddenly, as they sat there in silence she felt herself leaning closer to him. A part of her wanted to fight it, but another part of her was just looking at him with a smile feeling her heart skip a beat. And Charles soon found his heart also skipping a beat when he moved closer to her. And suddenly one of his hands were planted on her cheek gently brushing it as if he was calming her down. 

But also to pull her closer, and them both still being drunk, Y/n's actions were without second thought when she crawled closer, and was now sitting on his lap with her arms around his neck. An electric feeling flushed through her body feeling the warm touch of his on hand on her lower waist, and the other resting on her thigh. And surely, that same feeling returned at both of them, when their lips collided and it was like fireworks.

At first it was gentle and soft, but it was like kissing him opened up a craving Y/n didn't knew she had, and the kiss became more passionate. Small moans escaped their lips as they had to catch their breaths once in a while. Charles moved his hand from her lower back further up pulling her even closer if that was possible and moved his way down her neck finding her soft spot. She was resting her head on his with her eyes closed enjoying it. A lot. 

Then he moved from her neck down to her chest before he stopped and looked at Y/n, who now opened her eyes confused. "Why did you stop?" she asked him playing with his hair. "I want this" she simply said. And though they were drunk, a sober Y/n was definitely in on those words. Charles didn't say anything, he simply smiled before moving his hands over her shoulders causing her thin strops from the dress to fall down. 

She now felt his hands behind her unzipping her dress. She smiled and began unbuttoning his shirt exposing his chest. Soon Y/n's dress was laying on the floor alongside Charles' shirt and pants and socks. He looked at her again gently kissing her one more time before grabbing her waist rolling over so he was now on top. "You're beautiful" he whispered stroking a piece of her hair behind her ear. She felt her cheeks getting warm, and she absolutely melted into his touch. Screw the movie, I guess... 

A/N This is as far as I go in writing smut. I do not have enough brain capacity to write like smut smut, also it makes me hella uncomfortable, so you will have to do with this. Sorry. I still hope you like the story though <3

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