Part 3

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liked by y/n.official, f1 and 1.203.002 others

@scuderiaferrari It is with great pleasure that we can finally confirm our new driver. Please welcome Y/n Y/l/n, the first female racing driver in F1, and she will be racing alongside her new teammate, Charles Leclerc for the 2020 season 🙌💖

Tagged: @y/n.official 

y/n.official I cannot wait to start racing! 😍🏎
-->❤ scuderiaferrari liked your comment

f1 Welcome to the team 😉

username OMG A GIRL? Let's gooo

username this is huge, can't wait for the next season <3

username finally a girl, let's give it everything

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liked by scuderiaferrari, georgerussel63 and 823

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liked by scuderiaferrari, georgerussel63 and 823.952 others

@y/n.official I may have finished one very important chapter of my racing career and life, but I am so very excited to begin a new one 🙌 I can't wait to sit behind the wheel again. So let's get this season started @scuderiaferrari

scuderiaferrari Let's get started!
--> y/n.official I am so ready!

georgerussel63 Can't wait to be racing with you again 😎
--> y/n.official is that... your way of saying you miss me? 😏😂
--> gerogerussel63 maybe...
--> ❤y/n.official liked your comment

lewishamilton this one is important! Congrats 
--> y/n.official thank you 😁

username let's goooo

username so ready

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Y/n smiled to herself, when she looked at the new post from Ferrari, standing in the cafeteria to make some coffee before work. It was now 2 weeks ago since she signed the most important deal of her life, and it was one month until the car reveal, and she had already been working hard. She met at the headquarter every day to get some training and sim racing done to prepare for the season to start. 

Of course she was forced to work with Charles every once in a while, though they both had personal trainers and stuff like that. But as they agreed, they had to at least be a little civilized in front of people to get good results. And so far it seemed to actually be working. Sure, none of them could really stop the desire to throw in a sassy comment once I a while or just a little push to embarrass the other. But those things only happened when they were alone or with their personal trainers. No need for others to see that. 

"Y/n let's run over your schedule for today" she turned around with the coffee in her hand at the sound of Tabatha Valls, her PR girl. She jogged up to Y/n with her black calendar in her hand and gestured for them both to sit down at one of the tables in the cafeteria. "So, in 30 minutes you have training with Peter (her personal trainer), and after that you have an interview with Sky Sports alongside Charles, just some things about joining F1 etc. and after that we move on to some sim racing." Y/n nodded following closely what Tabatha said while sipping on her way too hot coffee and burning her tongue at least three times. 

30 minutes later Y/n was joined in the gym by her personal trainer, Peter so they could get todays workout started. This was a hard part of the job, but Y/n actually quite liked working out. Sure, sometimes it was a little too much if she was sore from a previous race or felt a little ill or just had the lack of motivation, but often she was ready to workout. They began working out starting of with running on a treadmill. They blasted some music as well to get the adrenaline to kick in. 

After a long and intense workout, Y/n was covered in sweat and she really had to catch her breath. Luckily she had about an hour before the interview which gave plenty of time to take a shower, but of course the universe decided to be against her today when she almost bumbed into her teammate on her way to the showers. 

"Woah slow down there, we wouldn't want you to injure yourself" Charles stopped right in front of her and scanned her up and down while leaning against the wall with his one arm and his head slightly tilting to the right. "No, but I would like to injure you" she replied back not having anymore energy in her to really fight back, but she tried at least. "Ouch, I think your words are hurting me" he said holding his chest pretending to be shot, before his facial features became more soft. 

Though Y/n was tired, it was still a weird thing to see. "Peter was tough today, huh?" it was like a sudden change of personality. Literally 5 seconds ago it was Charles Leclerc, her childhood enemy. But now it was Charles Leclerc, her somewhat reasonable teammate. "I didn't think you had it in you to say something normal" she rose an eyebrow at him. "What? Can't I for once ask how you are?"

"You can, but you don't usually do" she was still skeptical, waiting for some mean comment, but it never came. Instead he just looked at her, "Well, I'll see you at the interview soon" and with those words he shot her one more look before leaving. Y/n was kinda taken back by that, and she thought about the whole time she showered and got ready for the interview. 

"Hi, I'm Natalie" the reporter shook both Y/n and Charles' hands before the two drivers sat down on the way too small couch for Y/n's liking as she was forced to sit very close to her teammate. Not something she did voluntarily. She gave him a quick look before turning her attention to the camera that was now rolling. 

"First of all congratulations on making it to F1, Y/n."

"Thank you"

"Now, can you put some words on how you're feeling right now, and with Charles who has been in F1 since 2018?"

"Uh well, obviously I'm very honored to even be here at the legendary team of Ferrari. It was been a dream of mine for a long time. And to even be the first woman to make it this far is a personal goal of my own, and I'm over the moon to have reached that. And with Charles as teammate... well I think it's gonna be a great season, and I expect to learn a few things from him, and hopefully we will push each other to the limits"

Y/n looked at Tabatha who stood behind the camera and gave her a thumbs up. It was a good answer. And most of it was true. The questions kept rolling in for what felt like ages before they finally finished. Even Charles had said some pretty descent things about her. Now,, however, it was time to work on some sim racing.

A/N I really hope you like it so far<3 

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