Part 12

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The following week up till the next Grand Prix which was also held in Austria, Y/n was having a constant battle with her mind. She had barely seen or spoken to Charles, as both of them were so busy with preparing for the weekend, but she couldn't stop thinking about their night together. It was like her whole life just took a massive turn, and she had no idea what to do next. 

On top of her being super busy with work, she was also super busy trying to ignore her three other racing friends. Because she knew, if she saw Lando, George and Alex they would ask her about the party or Charles, and she hated lying to her friends. But she couldn't tell them. She couldn't tell anyone, and it actually made her feel quite lonely. Only she had no time to think about that as well because Peter was pushing her like crazy in the gym, and everyone else was pushing her just as hard to prepare. 

With the good results she had gotten last week, there was a lot of pressure on her. And of course the media was constantly trying to get interviews with her. Thankfully Tabatha was saving her as much as she could from the interviews that was not needed. Though she couldn't escape all of them. "Warm up in 30 minutes" she sighed at Peter's words and put on her racing suit and shoes and grabbed her helmet. 

She was not in the mood for Free Practice at all, and she felt exhausted. She strolled down the stairs and into the pitlane. "Honey!" her eyes whitened as she snapped around, and suddenly all those negative feelings left her body, when she starred right at her dad who was standing in the middle of the Ferrari garage with a paddock pass around his neck. "Dad!? OMG" she threw her arms around him, and he spun her around like he always did when she was little kid. 

Her dad was the one who got her into racing. She still remembers the story, when she was 3 years old, her dad took her to a Formula One Grand Prix, where Alain Prost won. And from that moment, Y/n got so invested in racing that her dad helped her get into racing. From there she build her career always with her dads support. "Hi kiddo" he laughed putting her down again. "What are you doing here?" she was so happy that she completely forgot about all her problems for a moment. 

"Well I came to watch my amazing daughter of course. I haven't properly gotten the chance of congratulation you. I've been in Brazil for business for so long. But look at you, my little perfect daughter racing in Formula One for Ferrari." though he made her a bit embarrassed as a bunch of the mechanics heard their conversation, she was just so happy to see him again. "Aw dad, thank you" she said quickly hugging him again. 

"Oh and you must be Charles Leclerc" Charles had suddenly entered the garage as well, and of course her dad noticed him right away. Charles looked at her dad and then Y/n, who gave him a small smile and chuckled to herself. He walked over to her dad who politely shook her hand. "My name is Scott Y/l/n, Y/n's farther. I just wanted to say it's nice to meet you Mr. Leclerc, you are a very skilled driver" he said with the biggest smile. 

Y/n noticed Charles looking a bit nervous, but none the less shook his hand. "Thank you Mr. Y/l/n and it's nice to meet you too." they had a little chat while Y/n suddenly caught herself starring at Charles. She quickly turned around and found Peter to get her warm up over with. Now she was more ready for Free Practice than before. 


Getting P8 and P11 in her Free Practice was a pretty good result, and overall Y/n was satisfied with her day. She got the chance to talk to her dad a bit more, and they even went out to get dinner together. She had missed him a lot and really enjoyed having him around this weekend. Currently she had just said goodbye to her dad, who was staying at another hotel and she was on her way back. 

Walking there alone all her thoughts came back, and she felt alone again. Why do bad things always have to happen to good people? Why had she developed feelings for Charles, she never thought possible? Out of all 7 billion people in the world, she fell for the guy she couldn't be with. That was simply just typical. Finally she had reached the hotel, and she was more than ready to go to sleep.

And then of course, another typical thing had to happen. "Hey Y/n, I haven't seen you all week, how are you?" Alex' voice sounded behind her. She had no where to run, and knew she was forced to have a conversation. "Oh hey Alex, yeah no I'm good. Just very exhausted" at least that last part wasn't a lie. "Yeah I understand it's been a tough week. How did it go after the party last week? Lando told me, you send him a drunk message saying you went home?" shit. This was just the thing she was worried talking about.

"Uh well to be honest, I don't quite remember the night." well that was a fucking lie. "I just woke up with a headache in my bed" also a fucking lie. Not about the headache, but about waking up in her own bed. Now she was just praying to God that Alex wouldn't comment anything else. "oh hahaha understandable. You were pretty drunk, but hey did you talk to Charles that night because I barely saw him at the party?" Oh for fuck sake, not another question. "Uh no, no I didn't" God make this stop. Y/n was a horrible liar. 

"Alright, well he was probably just with some girl or something. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight" they said goodbye and she went to her hotel room, and now another thought was in her head. Alex said that Charles was probably just with some girl, did that mean she was just some girl? And that she meant nothing to him? Oh God... it just got worse.

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