Part 7

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"So, Y/n tell us, how do feel after Free Practice yesterday and today? Are you ready for qualifying?" the news reporter was waiting for Y/n to give her some amazing answer. She had just finished FP3 30 minutes ago, and she got P10 again. And she was more than satisfied. "Uh well, I am obviously very happy about my results so far, but for now I'm just focusing on qualifying" she nodded to herself thinking that was a good answer. 

She looked at Tabatha who gave her a thumbs up confirming what she had thought. "And how is working with Charles going? I think we all know about the history you two share, does that affect you while racing?" she was a little taken back by that question, it was like the media was always trying to stir up drama that wasn't even there. And it was starting to piss her off. 

"It's true that we used to race together a few years back and when we were younger, but we're both professionals, and no it won't affect mine or his racing" She thought to herself that her answer came out a little harsh, but she was honestly tired of hearing these questions. It was getting on her nerves. 

"I saw your interview earlier, a bit harsh are we?" Charles was leaning against the door frame to her driver room with a smirk on his face while she was sitting in a chair preparing for quali. "I wasn't harsh, I'm just tired of those questions about us. It's like they're trying to cause drama" she replied feeling herself getting angry talking about it. "Of course they're trying to cause drama, it's the media! Just ignore it" 

"Since when do you give me good advices?" she said giving him a skeptical look, but he just shook his head and laughed. "Maybe I'm a changed man, Y/n." that answer caused her to laugh this time, and Charles to pretend like he got really offended. "Man? Nah you're still just a little kid" she couldn't help but laugh even more. "I'm a year older than you, doesn't that make you a little baby then?" he rose his eyebrow at her and flashed a smirk. 

"No because I actually matured. But you, and Lando, Alex and George will probably never grow up. It's quite entertaining to watch" suddenly a pillow from her room was thrown at her, and when she looked up Charles was laughing. "You see what I mean?" she held up the pillow. "Kids" and threw it back at him both of them laughing. 

"Well we better get ready for quali" he threw the pillow back one last time before he left her room. A few moments later Y/n was in the garage in her racing suit doing some warm up drills with Peter. Her nerves was a lot better today than yesterday, and she was determined to get good results again. She knew the whole world would be watching, and her being the only woman was a lot of extra press on her shoulders. 

But sitting behind the wheel was like mediation to her. Feeling the car, listening to the engine. It was like a melody of gold in her ears. Now that she had driven this track a few times, she felt a lot more confident that the first time. "Alright Y/n, it's time to show everyone what you've got"

Quali was a lot harder than Free Practice, and it was like the car was working against her. She became filled with pressure but somehow managed to hold on to P12. Though she didn't make it to Q3, she still had a chance to get points tomorrow, but this really took on her pride. "I don't understand, it was like the car didn't wanna do, what I tried to do" she told Riccardo over the radio.  

"I'm sorry, Y/n. P12 is still a decent result, and we will come back stronger tomorrow." his words were completely empty to her, but she answered him back to let him know that at least she heard what he said. A few moments later she was now standing in the media pen doing interviews. Not really the thing she wanted to do the most right now, but she couldn't exactly escape it. 

"Not quite the result you were hoping for today, Y/n. Any predictions for tomorrow?" what kind of shitty question was that, she thought to herself. These media people were driving her insane. As many of the drivers were standing around in the media pen answering different questions, she suddenly got eye contact with Charles. He gave her a funny look and winked, and she felt the urge to smile, but instead she turned her attention back to the interview. 

"Yeah of course we were hoping for a better result, but it's still decent, and we will just have to work a little harder tomorrow, to bring home to first points" for some reason that look Charles gave her was stuck in her brain and she had to look at the ground to avoid smiling. "Are you nervous for tomorrow?" well duh obviously, but she didn't say that. "Well of course there is some nerves, but I'm more excited than nervous I think."

Finally that dreadful interview was over and she could go back to her driving room to change into normal clothes. Out of the racing suit and on with some jeans, a t-shirt and a big sweater with some white sneakers over. Super basic, but she didn't care. "Where are you off too looking like a decent human being?" she had just left her driving room and was on her way out of the motorhome before she was stopped by Charles. 

"Just because you always see me in racing suits or training clothes, doesn't mean I don't own normal clothes. And if you must know, I'm hanging out with Lando, George and Alex now" she said and carried on her walking out of the motorhome, but Charles followed. "Wait you have friends?" he smirked knowing he would get on her nerves. "You don't?" she replied with the same amount of cockiness. "Hurtful, but I'm actually gonna hang out with Pierre now" ahh of course, Pierre and Charles had become really great friends over the years. 

They continued to mess with each other, occasionally pushing each other trying to make the other person fall into people while walking along the paddock. It was quite entertaining for them both. Then they made it to the McLaren motorhome where Y/n was meeting the others and she said her goodbyes to Charles. 

A/N I hope you all still like it <3

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