Part 29

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"And that is a massive crash, the two Ferrari's driving straight into one another sending them both into the wall. It's a Red Flag and everyone is holding their breaths as medical is on their way"

Pain. In her entire body. She is shaken awake and pulled out of her car. The damage is unrepairable. Tears in her eyes. A swarm of medical staff is surrounding his car leaving her behind since she seems to be somewhat fine and alive. Not a single person in the grandstands is saying anything. With shaky legs she moves closer to his car begging for someone to tell her how he is. "We're sorry, he didn't make it" she takes her helmet off and throws it on the ground, the words stuck in her brain. He didn't make it. He didn't make it. The same swarm of medical staff is pulling away, giving her a clear sight of him laying on the ground. His helmet off, and a darker red color is covering the usual bright racing suit. Her throat is dry. Empty for words. She runs towards him and stare for a moment. His eyes closed. His breathing stopped. He didn't make it. The breakdown arrives, and she throws herself to the ground with tears in her eyes clinging on to his lifeless body. "NO! No no no no" she screams with all the air she has left in her lungs. Her whole life falling apart in her hands. She feels hands on her body trying to pull her away, but she stays put sobbing into his chest. Until a stronger pair of arms pulls her away, and everyone around her goes dark... 

Y/n woke up covered in sweat. She found herself with tears in her eyes. She looked around and let out a big sigh in relief. It was all juts a dream, but it felt so real. Way too real. No way she could go back to sleep now, so she checked the time. It was 5 o'clock in the morning, so she decided to get up and put some training clothes on and go for a run. It would help her clear her mind off of things, and that awful dream she had just had. 

When she returned, she took a shower and went to get some breakfast. She saw Charles already eating with some of the team members. When she saw his face, flashbacks from her nightmare occurred in her brain, and as she looked at Charles sitting there with a smile on his face, all she could see was his lifeless body after the crash, and herself sobbing against his chest. She was immediately and thankfully pulled out of her thoughts when Tabatha appeared behind her laying a hand on her shoulder. 

"You alright there?" she looked at Tabatha, and forced a smile onto her lips. "Uh yeah I'm good, just tired" she and Tabatha grabbed some breakfast and sat down at a free table and ate and chatted about all sorts of things. Tabatha was becoming a really good friend to her. Maybe they were often discussing about work things, but she was still very nice to Y/n. 

As Y/n was in her driver's room putting on her suit, someone knocked on her door. Charles opened the door and smiled at her. He approached her, but instead of kissing him or just greeting him, Y/n embraced him into a tight hug. "Are you okay?" Charles asked with concern while he gently stroke her back. At first she didn't say anything, she just stood in his warm and tight hug never wanting to let go. "Y/n? Talk to me please" he said noticing her heart beating fast as she was leaning against him. 

Finally she let go, and looked at him. She was struggling to find the words. It's not like 'hey I had a nightmare about us two crashing and you died, so please don't go' sounds very sane to a normal person. "I'm just happy to see you" she blurted out as a complete fool, and Charles obviously noticed that something was very wrong. He cupped her cheeks and looked into her beautiful sparkling eyes slightly tilting his head. "Y/n... you can talk to me. Even if all you need right now is a friend, I'm still your friend" she tried avoiding his eyes, but they were too damn powerful to avoid. 

"I just- no forget it, it makes me sound like an idiot" she tried getting out of his grib, but he wasn't giving up. He pulled her over to two chairs, and they both sat down. He grabbed her hands and looked at her with that powerful yet soft look again. "You're not an idiot, now please tell me what's wrong" she sighed giving in. She knew that she had to tell him. "I had a nightmare" she paused to see if he would laugh or give her some sort of stupid reaction, but he still looked at her with his soft look wanting to know more. 

"I- I dreamt that we crashed, you and I, in a race and-" she was on the edge of a breakdown, so Charles squeezed her hand a bit to calm her down. "And I was being pulled out of my car, but you... you were badly hurt and, and you died... and I was crying into the chest of your lifeless body and everyone was watching." There were silence for a few moments, where Charles just looked at her. "Oh Y/n... it was just a bad dream. I'm alright, you're alright. Everything's fine, love"

"But it just felt so real and-", "Hey... I completely understand why you feel sad right now, but I promise you, I'm not going anywhere." he made her feel a little better as they continued to sit in silence for a few minutes. Sadly they couldn't sit there much longer as they had Free Practice very soon. Finally they got up and made their way to the garage to both do their warm ups to get ready. Y/n was still feeling nervous after her nightmare, but she couldn't let that shine through when racing.

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