Hayloft 2

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Little Loki being a badass as a kid. And being a dangerous little shit.

Loki is being bullied by their peers and takes matters into their own hands. This chapter is full of non binary bisexual badassery. YEET.

Loki POV || age 7, one century before Loki's first attempt to stab Thor

The walls are gray. They were gray yesterday, they're still gray today, and they'll be gray tomorrow. And my knees and face are bloody. The boys are running away from me now, high pitched shrieks of cruel laughter bouncing off high walls and curved ancient ceilings.

I don't move, I don't get up. My legs go numb from sitting on them on a hard cold stone floor. When I feel a familiar hand pull me up by the arm, I don't resist.

"Loki. Time to be back for dinner."

I let Thor drag me to my feet, not removing my gaze from the now empty space where my attackers previously stood.

Reluctantly, I tear my gaze from them, focusing on the corridor ahead of me. "Hello, brother."

Thor is giving me the strangest of looks. "Did you fall? You look rather dazed and bloody, brother. Do you need to go to bed early?"

I shake my head No. "That won't be necessary."

"Loki! You're bleeding!"

A flare of rage, and suddenly, I'm clenching my fists. I've been feeling so angry lately. And my head is spinning so fast like a runaway horse.

Before I know it, I've pushed Thor roughly, and I'm stalking away.

"Hey!" Thor yells. I turn and glare at his bewildered face.


I'm shoved in the hallway, so badly I nearly fall on the floor. The boys laugh cruelly, and I clench my fists. My chest is exploding with an angry heat. My head is surging.

Before long, I'm back on my feet, swiftly moving towards him. He snickers. "Oh look, the runt is angry. Gonna run to Thor and cry?"

Without a word, I step up to him with a smirk. I grip his arm as hard as I can, twisting his wrist. He cries out, and I giggle in pleasure. Last week, he did the exact same to me. "Meet me in the grove after school."

He fearfully laughs and spits in my face. "Or what? You will weep when I merely walk towards you, runt?"

I stare him down. "No. Something even better."

He laughs, and I leave, hurriedly walking to class.

Later that day, I meet him in the grove, smirking once more, a sharp rock hidden in my sleeve. He scoffs. "What are you smirking for, you freak?"

I grip his arm, rolling up his sleeve, and pressing the sharp side of the rock into his soft skin. He yelps, but I hold on, carving four letter. R....U....N....T. 

I finally let go, and before he runs, I harshly yank his ear. "Tell one soul about this and I will do worse."

He yanks out of my grip, and I laugh as they retreat. 


"Brother, you've blood on your shirt."

I'm startled by Thor, who is pointing at my shirt. I look, gasping at the spots of blood on my tunic. I feel my fists clench, and the heat surges to my head once more. Are my cheeks red? "Those dreadful boys..."

Thor's eyes flash. "What boys? Who is bothering you, Loki?"

I giggle. "Oh, they aren't bothering me anymore."

He shakes his head. "Well, brother, do let me know if they keep bothering you?"

I nod. "Of course."

We walk to lunch, where Mother and Father are sitting as the servants are setting the table. Thor greets them, hungrily eying up the grilled turkey leg. I sneak a grape off of the cornucopia of fresh fruit. I've mastered the art of stealing bits of food without them noticing. 

Thor, of course, opens his stupid mouth. "Loki is being bullied."

I sigh dramatically. "You just had to tell them!"

Father eyes me with concern. "Is this true, Loki?"

Mother looks awfully worried. "What do they do to you, my dear boy?"

My ears burn with all of the attention on me. I stumble over my words. "I...they...they push me. They threw my drawings into the water, tried to break my arm, they call me runt and a freak..."

Father is expressionless. "And what do you do, Loki, when they do these things to you?"

My mind spins, and I consider the possibilities. Either I tell them what I did to that boy, and I get in trouble and Mother will tell his mother. Or...I don't tell them, doctor it up a little....and those boys still get in trouble.

My plan underway, I work up some tears, and Thor touches my shoulder. "N-nothing. I was t-too scared. I...I ran away!"

"There, there, Loki." Mother soothingly touches my hand. 

I feel a pang of guilt before Thor asks fiercely, "What are these scoundrels' names, brother?"

I hold back a grin with Herculean effort. "Erik, Bjorn, Ivar, and that older one, Leif."

Thor's face is thunderous as he gets to his feet, sword in his hand. "Where are they?!"

"Thor!" Father snaps. Thor sits down at once, looking only a little shamefaced. I consider the possibilities of Thor using his new very sharp sword on those awful boys. This time, I really struggle to hide a laugh. 

Mother glances at Father and gives me a reassuring smile. "Loki, we will see to it these boys face consequences."

Thor protests, "Let me handle them, I can take it!"

Father looks a little amused. Why do grown ups do that? "This is not your fight, Thor. You are both mere children, do not worry yourselves."

Thor and I both huff at that, and Mothers' eyes twinkle. "Do eat, you three. Loki, that means eat something other than grapes. And Thor, please do eat a vegetable."

Thor sighs. "Yes, Mother."

I manage a smile. "Yes, Mother."

This time, Thor doesn't even seem peeved when I steal a bit of turkey from his plate.

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