⚠️Tony Stark: Can't Get Off The Floor

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Iron Man 2, when Rhodey finds Tony in the workshop with his palladium going bad in his arc reactor and his heart acting up. I firmly believe it was a suicide attempt and Tony snapped out of it a little when Rhodey came in. 

Rhodey POV

"...he never stopped protecting us, the events in Monaco proved that."

Pepper spoke succinctly into the phone, laptop on her knees, sat with Natasha in front of the TV, which showed a news woman giving a report on the attack in Monaco. Panic and dread only tightened in my chest. Unable to listen to the news lady any more, I headed down the stairs, two at a time. I punched in the code, noticing Tony's head of brown hair peeking out of one of his brand spanking new luxury cars. 

As I walked closer, I noticed JARVIS speaking, giving Tony a rundown on the Vankos. "Tony, you'd better get upstairs and get on top of this situation right now. I've been on the phone with the national guard all day, trying to stop them from rolling tanks up to your front door, and taking these."

I walked in further, gesturing at his suits which were lined up neatly in glass cases, shining and new. "They're going to take your suits, Tony, They're sick of the games."

He still didn't respond. I went on. "You said nobody would have this technology for twenty years, well guess what. Somebody had it yesterday. It's not theoretical anymore."

Walking next to his car, I gently shook his shoulder. "Tony, are you even listening to me?"

Tony finally stirred, and looked up at me with the most sorrowful face I had ever seen on my best friend. It was then I noticed how pale he was. I frowned, kneeling down a little. "Tony, are you okay?"

He looked at me with an unreadable expression, and then said, "Let's go."

Tony got out of the car, looking wobbily on his feet. When he nearly collapsed, I held him up and helped him walk to his desk as he pointed in the direction, saying something about palladium. I helped him sit down, opening a case containing perfect rectangles of the said metal. Tony is holding his arc reactor, which is smoking. The metal pops out, and I gingerly take it out of the object. "Is that supposed to be smokin' like that?"

Tony explained as if that helps anything, "If you must know, it's neutron damage."

He slid in a new rectangle of palladium and turns around to slide the arc reactor back into his chest. I watched him, worry replacing any frustration I had earlier. The black veins on his neck stood out like black specks on a snowy landscape. The pieces began to fit together in my mind. 

Tony turned his head after chugging some strange green smoothie. "What're you lookin' at."

I answered. "You."

After a beat, I inquired, "How about that high tech crossword puzzle on your neck?"

Tony lied, "Road rash."

I gave him a look, knowing there is no way he thought I was that fucking stupid. "You wanna do this lone gunslinger act and it's unnecessary. You don't have to do this alone."

Tony closed the lid on his smoothie bottle. "You know, I wish I could believe that. I really do. But contrary to popular belief, I know exactly what I'm doin'."

He turned to me, and I could only stare back. 

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