🐥Little Space

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This is a bit different.
This will be about SFW age regression, where a character in this story is mentally age regressing as a coping mechanism. So yes, this will be kid friendly; the usual adult themes I put in my writing are absent for this one. And that goes for this comment section. No funny business, y'all.
And yeah, I used Loki for this. Sue me. 😂❤️
Trigger warning emoji ⚠️ for age regression (sometimes reading about it may trigger some to regress, etc)  and impure age regression. That is when someone regresses because of negative things that trigger them into regression.

Loki POV || Asgardian Prison

Honestly, what did they expect a god of mischief to do in solitary confinement?

I should have known I was beginning to slip. The stress and trauma of the situation, the remnants of the Other's control left to rot in my mind, the pure isolation.

However, loneliness does have its freedom. What better time to mentally become a child then in solitary confinement?

I still can't recall what exactly triggered it. Perhaps it was when the temperature dropped, and I had an excuse to bundle under my blankets for warmth. Perhaps it was when Mother visited me with a steaming bowl of soup in her hands.

Whatever it was, it came on like sleep: slowly, and then all at once.

It began when I suddenly found my leather clothes very scratchy and tight. They felt so wrong on me, like I was a little boy wearing a grown man's armor.

A few flickers of magic later, and I was donned in blue fabric, soft linen that kissed my skin instead of chafing it. My hair came undone, my glamour spell unraveling.

Everything became...smaller. The outside world didn't matter anymore. This cell didn't matter. I had magic swirling at my fingertips. And I could make myself as warm and comfy as I wanted to. I could dim the lights and make illusions of fairies and floating little lights and bubbles!

My blankets, normally discarded on the floor for restless nights of agitated pacing, were bundled around my body. I was so warm and nothing else mattered anymore.

I think I stayed that way for days. No one visited, and it was to my benefit. I may never have left my small warm cocoon if Mother hadn't visited via illusion.

She entered to find me curled up in the corner in a blanket, pillow hugged to my chest, asleep. She knelt by me, reasonably concerned. I was normally unusually hyper vigilant, noticing every shift in the air and anything remotely out of place. But here I was, sleeping during the day, letting my guard down completely.

I felt her touch my cheeks, trying to pat me awake. "Loki? Dear, I've been informed you're unusually quiet. Are you ill?"

Still in a childish mindset and still half asleep, I simply reached for her. She backed away, a sad look in her eyes. It took me a few minutes to realize that I was talking to another person. This was no illusion of mine.

With a simple turn of my hand, my childish clothing and items around me vanished, replaced by my usual adult clothing, tight and high quality leather. I nearly gasped at the sudden change, feeling very uncomfortable but knowing it was necessary. "Hello Mother."


Thor POV ||

"How fares Loki?"

"He fares well, my prince. He's rather quiet the last few days, other than his cell mysteriously filling with bubbles the other day. It was harmless, however, so we let it continue."

I nodded, relieved yet slightly disconcerted that Loki was quiet. I could normally hear vem all the way from my own quarters with all the doors shut.

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