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Song fic. Oil by Gorillaz. Thor has a mental break and is remembering his relationship with Jane.

Thor POV

So I put my codes in the machine, like Tony said to. A database comes up, of images and camera reels.

"What do you see, Point Break?"

I can't speak. It's all...her. Jane Foster, just as I remember her.

"Buddy? You're awful quiet." Tony's hand is on my shoulder.

I laugh again, and he looks concerned. "Hey...don't go bananas on me, Thor."

I snicker. "I'm already bananas, Stark."

"That you are, big guy. Who is this tall glass of water? Ohhh...Jane Foster? That lady who wrote a whole ass book on the Einstein Rosen Bridge?"

I nod. "That is the one."

"Old flame?" He is watching me carefully. 

With another nod, I feel tears in my eyes. I wipe them away. "Haven't seen her in years."

"How'd it end?" Tony asks. 

I brokenly laugh. "She left me a note."

"Ouch. I'm sorry, man." Tony pats my shoulder. I give him a hug in response. 

"So...you going to get her back?"

I think about it. "It's been too long. She probably moved on."

The machine resets, and we both turn away after I print out pictures. I clutch them in my pocket, hearing the voices begin to quiet down in my head. The constant gibberish, the rush of words and phrases that aren't my own are abated. 

"How's your, uh...you know..." Tony gestures at his head. 

I shrug. "Quieter."

"That's good." We then walk in silence. The voices get loud again, and I occasionally mumble to them, knowing it worries Tony when I do that but feeling unable to stop. 

Pepper looks up when we get home, carrying an iPad in her hands. I politely nod before heading to my bedroom, curling up on my bed, turning on the radio. I flip stations until I find the rock station. I'm not sure I even like the music, but the noise does soothe me...and quiet down the voices. 

But this time, I'm hearing her. I close my eyes, letting the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Jane's disembodied voice carry me away as I rock back and forth. 

"Brother...what has become of you?"

My eyes snap open. I've pulled my clothes off, throwing them on the floor. I cover myself, unsure of how I ended up like this. "Loki?"

They wrinkle their nose. "It stinks in here."

I laugh. "Sorry."

"But really, brother." Loki sits next to me. "You've taken your clothes off, do you even know why?"

I shake my head. 

"You were muttering to yourself when I climbed in here. I am getting the concerning feeling you can't help yourself anymore."

Scoffing, I nod. "I can't."

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