Two Siblings, Both Alike In Misery

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Loki drinking too much with disastrous consequences. Loki's scenes are inspired by Euphoria. TW for addiction. 

Loki POV ||Loki's Coming of Age Ceremony

"Loki! You're already drinking?"

I nod, downing another glass. I don't even remember how many I've drank. My feet dangle from the chair above a pile of glass. But unknown to them all, some of it is not glass from alcohol, but an entirely other drug. It has been wearing off, little by little. I shoot more and more wine and mead, staving off the withdrawals. But I'm running out of time and the combination of alcohol and the drug are starting to not feel very safe.

Thor holds my shoulder. "Take care, brother, that you don't drink too much."

I let a giggle slip out, and then I smash my glass on the floor. "ANOTHER!"

Thor intervenes, grabbing my arm. "Do not give him another. Come, Loki, you're going to your chambers."

I lean on him, burping loudly. When I see my recent ex lover, I shout at her with a clumsy wave, "OI!"

Thor waves too, frowning when she glares at me, her lady friend giving me a rather pitying look before they both leave.

Still holding me up, he says thoughtfully, "Loki, are you two quarreling?"

When I don't answer and instead stumble towards a table, Thor follows me. "Brother...what are you doing?"

I once again ignore him. Wordlessly, I climb onto a table, apologizing to the patrons. I sway on top of the table, giggling. "OI, ASGARD!"

Once everyone's eyes are on me, I hold out my arms. "WHAT A DAY! WHAT A GODDAMN, WONDERFUL, HORRIBLE DAY I'M HAVING!"

"Loki. Get down."

I stumble on, a wide smile on my face even as I feel as if I'm collapsing inside. I give a humorless laugh and twirl around, nearly falling. "Oopsies."

I hear whispers, some laughter, and see disapproving stares. I go on, catching sight of my ex lover. "OI GRETA!"

She turns to me and rushes over, face full of disgust. "Loki. You are highly intoxicated. Get the hell off that table."

I fire back hotly, "Oh, now you want to get me off?"

Her face turns to steel, and she says in a furious whisper, "You're not even making sense anymore, Loki. You have got to figure yourself out. I can't do it for you."

There's two of her. No, there's three. The room is tilting. I belch. "What.. whaddaya mean?"

Her face turns sad, and she shakes her head. "You can't possibly be that clueless."

I laugh coldly. The sound is sad and broken. "HEAR THAT? SHE THINKS ME AN IDIOOOT!"

I stumble down the tables, my wide grin fading into something crumpled, something sad. I don't even bother trying to rebuild my facade, letting the heartbreak and hurt and immense sadness I've been hiding choke me.


My eyes are tearing. They stream down my cheeks as I let a sob slip out. "I'M AN IMBECILE! I'M RASH! I'M SO DUMB AND RECKLESS, I'M ON A TABLE! LOOK AT ME. LOKK AT YOUR ASGARDIAN PRINCE! HE MOURNS!"

I steal someone's drink, down it, and smash the glass on the floor. "FOR SOMETHING.. THAT HE CANNOT HAVE!"

Sobbing uncontrollably now, I move to jump off the table. Fandral catches me, and Thor takes me. I don't waste time in sobbing into his chest, my dignity gone now.

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