Mobius meets Thor

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More Lokius. Mobius meets Thor. Thor is chubby here because chubby guy rep is important. And Thor is awesome no matter what his body looks like. Also slight tw for Thor having trouble eating bc he quit alcohol. 

Loki POV

"Mobius, Loki, there is a man who just appeared here. No idea how he got here at all-"


A blond rock of a man plunges into me, hugging me too tight. I wheeze, "Too tight, you oaf."

Thor lets go, and I'm surprised and worried to see my older brother weeping. "Have you any idea how hard I searched for you? It's only luck I heard of this place!"

I look him over. He's wearing leather from top to bottom, complete with leather boots, a red leather vest, and black ripped leather pants. Mjolnir is absent, replaced by a rough looking axe. "You sure look different."

Thor laughs. "And so do you! Norns, it's been so long. So much has happened."

I sadly smile. "I'm aware. I was shown everything."

His smile fades. "Oh. you know."

I nod. He eyes my throat, and I wince at the memory. "Good to see you alive, Loki. Even if you are from the past."

With a smile, I nod. "Good to see you too, brother."

"Stormbreaker wants to meet you. Stormbreaker, Loki. Loki, Stormbreaker."

I chuckle a little. "Greetings, Stormbreaker."

Mobius comes over, grinning. "The great Thor. It's so nice to meet ya. I'm Mobius."

Thor gleefully shakes his hand. "Very nice to meet you! You must be quite close to my brother."

Mobius grabs my hand. "You could say that."

Thor's eyes dart back and forth, and his face lights up. "Congratulations! I always hoped my brother would find someone!"

I laugh, and Mobius grins. "Oh no, I found him."

The three of us get pie, and Thor seems disconcerted by the decor. "There is no sunlight in this place."

I wince. "Yes, that is a drawback."

Mobius shrugs. "It's not that bad."

Thor picks at his pie, only eating tiny bites. I frown, finding it strange. Thor would normally be begging for a second slice. He only does this when he's upset. 

I bite my lip, knowing how hard it is to get Thor to open up and not smash something instead. When the three of us take a walk, Thor must sense my worry. Or, perhaps, Mobius' calm vibe is doing wonders for him. 

Thor, uncharacteristically, stares at the floor. "Sorry I could not enjoy more of that delicious pie. I'm much too anxious to eat. And truly, I don't need pie."

He pats his belly. I playfully hit his arm. "Poptarts, then."

He shakes his head, and I hear his stomach growl. "No...I might throw them up."

Mobius pats his arm, and Thor looks a little more relaxed. 

We hang out at Mobius and I's apartment, and I consider showing Thor the photos of him I have. I chuckle when my brother immediately reaches for the enormous squishmallows on the sofa. Mobius turns on the TV, I make popcorn, and Thor awkwardly sits on the couch. 

When FRIENDS is playing, Thor gets excited. "Jane showed me this show! She broke up with me with a note. And then you died, and died again. But it's okay, Loki!"

He thumps me on the back too hard, and I wince, beginning to truly worry for his mental state, particularly when his hands shake and he mumbles something about needing a drink. It's confirmed for me that Thor isn't doing well when he won't touch the popcorn, barely laughs at the TV show, barely even talks. 

When Mobius gets up to pee, I turn to my brother, who is curled up under a blanket. "Thor...are you okay?"

He looks startled by my question, and for a minute I fear he might lie. But to my relief and worry, he shakes his head. "No."

I wait for him to elaborate, and he does. "You saw what happened, Loki. You saw Asgard destroyed...saw yourself die...saw Heimdall die, saw Mother and Father die. But there's more."

I swear. "Shit, Thor."

His eyes tear. "The Snap. Thanos got all the infinity stones...snapped his fingers...and it was my fault, because I didn't go for the head."

I pat his shoulder, my heart breaking at the sad tone in his voice. This Thor is so different than the one I knew. Thor's voice doesn't crack like that. He doesn't throw up everything he eats. His hands don't shake and he is able to laugh. 

I say bluntly, "Are you having withdrawals?"

His eyes widen, and I sigh. "It's obvious."

He sighs, shaking his head. "Yes. I think I'm losing it."'

I hug him, and he grabs onto me like I'm the last one in the universe. Maybe it feels like it is for him. 

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