⚠️Hospital for Souls

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⚠️ Contains mention of suicide ideation, mention of a past suicide attempt, flashbacks to traumatic events⚠️
Sylvie, Loki, and Mobius are in Pruneland and they encounter a variant of 2011 Loki.

Loki POV

"Slight problem...there is a variant here that we try to avoid..."

Old Man Me turns to me, looking nervously around. Kid Me inhales. Sylvie and Mobius stop too, both in varying states of boredom.

Kid Me adds, "The, uh....the one who's obsessed with the glow stick."

"The mind stone scepter obsession, yes. Very obsessive one, he is. But that's not why we avoid him."

"We avoid him because he's...."

"Unbalanced. He's from the same timeline as you are. Except....you tried to use the Tesseract to get to Earth, and instead..."

"You ended up on Earth in the year 2100, when the sun is dying and climate change is ending humanity. You also saw Thor being controlled by an evil force, thus bringing more disaster."

No. No. Thor being controlled?! "No. My brother can't fall to evil..."

Old Man lays his hand on my shoulder, gently. The gesture is so fatherly, I have to stop myself from flinching. "I wish I could give you a happy ending for your brother. He destroyed Midgard and unfortunately many civilizations."

My head is spinning. The year 2100?! Midgardians don't have long! I think of Jane, Darcy, Selvig, Clint, Tony, all the Midgardians I know. What future will their children have?

I almost don't want to know the answer. "What happened then?"

I can't look at Sylvie and Mobius. I don't know what they are feeling or doing. I don't want to know.

Old Man Me looks genuinely saddened. "Your state of mind was already fragile, and you absolutely cracked and used the last of your lucidity to travel back to Earth in 2012. You arrived at the SHIELD facility, but you were so far gone that you couldn't even speak. The TVA arriving rather saved you."

I have to sit down at that realization. It could have gone so wrong when I tried to take over Midgard. I could have never come back from losing my mind completely. Sometimes, I still feel like I never left Sanctuary.

"Will this version of Loki cause any harm?"

Sylvie speaks up. I feel her hand land on my back like a feather landing on the ground.

"His magic is out of control, because he lost the ability to manage it. It's really just chaotic energy he has no control over now. That being said, no. I'm only warning you because..."

Kid Loki throws a rock. "He's a handful or whatever the phrase is."

"He also likes hanging out here. We're not sure why."

"Great. So we might have to deal with a magically overpowered Loki too."

Mobius chimes in with a cheeky smile. "They're all overpowered."

Offended, I snap my head up to look at him. "Hey!"

Old Man Loki shushes us, eyes widening. "Speak of the devil, he's coming."

A lone figure is slowly ambling towards us, appearing to be conversing with someone. As he gets closer, I recognize so much of the past me in him.

His wild, unkempt curly hair floats carelessly around his face, having grown past his shoulders. His clothing, a worn beige TVA jumpsuit, is tattered beyond recognition. Upon closer inspection, there's a large patch on his chest that reads, PATIENT OF WARD 211. He's not even wearing shoes; he has just plain white socks and even a plastic bracelets on his wrist that has a glowing red lights.

But most haunting is his face. Those eyes that are normally so full of life and mischief are dazed and unfocused. I'd daresay he doesn't even know where he is.

He eyes me, and with one fluid movement, grips my arms. His voice is unusually childish for someone exactly my age. "You. Look like me. He looks like me. He looks like me."

Sylvie steps towards me protectively. "You'll want to let go of him now."

His magic flares up, and mine does too, instantly trying to defend me. But with I realize all too late with a stab of fear, that he's out of control. He laughs, and suddenly, with a burst of seidr, I'm thrown backwards.

Voices are flooding into my head one by one. Whispering, taunting, yelling, screaming. Sitting up, I hold one hand on my head, forcing myself to get a grip. "I'm stronger than whatever mind enchantment you have me- noooooo."

"What........this time?!"

".....even hear us?! Loki......hear us?"

"He can't hear you. Or if he can, he can't understand you. I have no idea what he did yet. But this doesn't look good."

"Sanctuary... that's what this place is. The very void and ruins of space."

"How do I get out of here?"

"Oh, you will eventually, when I am done with you."

"Done with me? What does that mean?!"

Thanos' voice is in my head, along with my own shaky one. I thought I'd forgotten completely about....that.

"Please! I'll do anything! Just stop this!"

"You deserve every single bit of this!"

Tortured screaming and Thanos' cruel laughter.

Someone touches me, and something is triggered in my brain. And then... I'm losing my grip on reality. A foggy haze that I haven't felt in forever slides over my brain. Nothing feels real anymore.

I look up, and see people I don't recognize in front of me. A young woman and an older gentleman are kneeled by me, the woman reaching a hand out to me.

I try to read her facial expression, see if she is a threat. She looks empathetic. Is she trying to touch me?

I can't focus. Everything feels so far away. Am I drunk?

My forehead is touched, and instantly I feel a wave of seidr. I flinch and back away, but my body seems to have different ideas. We recognize this magic. It's hers.

She touches my forehead again, and I cautiously lean into her hand. I do recognize this touch. I do.

Once I am truly back, I take in a deep shaky breath, three times, like Mother taught me.

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