yeet #2

198 12 41

I can't believe I'm writing this. 😂 I don't even know Marvel well yet, lol.

Thor POV


I hear a rather odd word uttered. Yeet? What is a yeet? Is it profanity? Is it a curse? Asgard had no...yeet.


It's coming from Loki's direction. I stare at my brother, curious. Yoot? What is that?

I clear my throat. "Brother? Are you speaking in tongues? That's not part of the Allspeak, as far as I remember."

Loki is laying on his back on the sofa, staring contemplatively at the ceiling. He ignores my inquiry. "Yotun."

It must be some odd Loki thing, like how I once caught him flirting with a horse. I will never get that memory out of my head.


I don't dare to say anything. This must be sorcery. Or is he perhaps meditating? I mean, he could use that.


There it is again. Yeet. What is this yeet?! I pull Mjolnir closer. What is Loki doing?!


Spiderman or Peter appears, grabbing Coca Cola out of the...refrigerator. Right. That's what it's called. I nod at the spider child. He enthusiastically waves.


Peter walks closer to Loki. I try to signal to Spider Child that Loki is doing some weird sorcery. But the Spider Child ignores me.


That's enough. I rise to my feet, raising Mjolnir. "You stop that right now."

Peter holds up his hand. "No, let him finish."

I frown. Peter knows of Loki's sorcery? Maybe it's not sorcery. Is it perhaps a pop culture reference? If only Steve were here, he would understand and share my confusion.

Loki jumps suddenly to his feet and, with his trademark mischievous grin, proclaims, "I have found it!"

I'm mildly alarmed, while Peter seems ecstatic. Loki lifts an empty beer can and yells, "THIS BITCH EMPTY! YEETETH!"

Peter snickers and holds up that odd electronic rectangle as Loki throws the can across the room. What just happened?!

Loki turns to the Spider Child. "Was that... memeworthy? Hello, whomever is watching me right now on your cellphone. Is it Ned?"

Peter rattles off some words that I've heard other younglings say in passing on the street. Snapchat? What is that? Is it people talking by snapping their fingers? It reminds me of that one language made up of whistling...

I'm glad I don't own an electronic rectangle anyway, I would electrocute it or accidentally crush it with Mjolnir. Or... most likely... drop it in my beer glass by accident. Steve did that to an electronic rectangle and Tony had to revive the rectangle robot afterwards.

Loki sighs at me, eyes rolling like a teenage girl youngling. "It was a meme. A joke. Honestly, brother, you need to immerse yourself into the culture here more."

More?! But I already have! I hold up my second beer this morning. "I'm trying the mortals' drinks. That's enough, right? Budweiser is pretty good, I must say. It has nothing on Asgardian drinks, of course."

Loki brushes invisible dust off his witchy outfit. Why does he dress like a witch if he supposedly isn't one? We'll never know. "You haven't visited the clothing stores. They are quite something, especially what mortals say are the more expensive ones."

Peter has skipped away, cackling over something on his electronic rectangle. I raise an eyebrow at Loki. "You don't pay when you get clothes, do you?"

His grin answers my question. Of course not. Why pay when you're Loki, the god of mischief?

My odd brother throws himself back on the sofa. "YEETETH!"

I think I want to try that. I throw Mjolnir and yell, "YEET!"

Loki snickers. "I see you have...yeeted in."

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