the fallen king

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Jane finds Thor during the Blip.

Thor POV

"The cable is still not working, bro." Korg complains.

I groan, taking another swig of beer. "If only I knew someone who could fix it. None of us are tech savvy."

He pats my shoulder. "Don't worry about it, man. Just relax, we'll try to work it out."

I smile. "Thanks, Korg. Oh! That guy almost killed you!"

Korg gasps and hurriedly tips away on his controller. I sit back, watching as I shove chips in my mouth.

There's a knock on the door, and I sigh in annoyance, getting to my feet. When I open the door and see a very familiar face, I nearly faint.

Jane Foster is standing with a nervous smile and raised eyebrows. Her expression fades into alarm and worry. "Thor? I...I hardly recognize you!"

I seldom consciously pull my robe tighter over myself, knowing I'm several pounds heavier than she remembers. " happened."

Her face softens. "Yeah, they did."

I move back to let her in. "We've got beer, and there's an extra controller, and chips."

She smiles, but it looks more like a grimace. "No thank you. How about we go for a walk?"

I must have a look of displeasure on my face, because she pats my shoulder. "Please? You need fresh air."

I sigh. "Sure. Uh...okay. I'll be back, Korg and Miek."

They both wave, and I leave with Jane.

She swings her arms, a bit of pity on her face when I struggle to keep up. "So. That's what you've been up to?"

I stuff my hands in my pockets. "More or less. It's great, you know. Korg and Miek are good friends. And the beer, the beer is good. And Korg makes sure to buy plenty of chi-"

"How are you, Thor?"

The question throws me off guard. I stare wide eyed. "Huh?"

She repeats herself, looking so patient. "How are you?"

I laugh a little. "I'm fine. I'm great!"

She doesn't look convinced. I stumble a little, feeling unsteady on my feet like always these days. She reaches out to catch me, and I'm reminded of that time she helped me roller skate.

"Just how much are you drinking these days?" She asks in a tone trying to mask itself as curiosity instead of concern.

Something soft in me turns sharp and prickly at the worry. "What's it to you?"

She flails her arms. "Because you're obviously very drunk, Thor! And in the morning, too! It's's not like you. And I'm worried, okay? We all are."

I scoff. "Who's we?"

She says factually, "Bruce, Brunnhilde, the Avengers, your people?"

Sighing, I gesture at the houses and the Town Square. "Ask them just how much my help is worth. And the Avengers are better off without me."

She shakes her head incredulously. "They need you, Thor. We all need you!"

I groan in muted frustration. "Well, I'm tired, okay? I'm exhausted. I can't handle any more. I...I just want to drink. And watch Korg and Miek game. Is that too much to ask?"

She smiles sadly. Tears are in her eyes. "You're unrecognizable. You didn't use to be this way."

I snap, "Well, guess what, Jane! I used to have two of my own eyes, a brother, two parents, a home, friends, and a girlfriend too!"

I stomp away, having to sit down on a rock and wheeze for air when I overexert myself. Jane joins me, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Thor. But you know why we broke up."

I don't even look at her. "No, you broke up with me. And yes...I do know why."

"Thor...can you do something for me? Just something small."

I sigh and nod. "Sure. I'll do anything for you."

She winces before saying, "Can you take a walk, every morning? You can even bring your roommates with you. Just...make sure you get outside."

I smile a little. "Of course."


"What did she do, man?"

I squint at Korg, who is holding my shoulder. Why are there two of him? "Hnnnh?"

He looks worried. "You're drinking a lot. That's your last one, Thor. You might get alcohol poisoning."

He tugs the empty beer bottle from my hands, and I sway in my chair, my voice cracking. "Do what you must."

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