The Day The Sun Died

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A Dark Thor fic that doesn't involve gross tropes. Search 'marvel fanfic dark thor' and you'll know what I mean. That being said, don't actually search it. You'll be scarred. 😐😐😶
The aether yeets from Jane and gets inside Thor instead, and during the escape from Asgard, Loki notices his brother is...acting different. But because of Mjølnir, Thor has control over the aether as it focuses his powers. But what happens years later when Hela destroys Mjölnir?
I'm going to be drawing inspiration from anime music from Seraph of the End. Great anime.

Loki POV

"Loki....I think something strange happened to Thor."

I turn my head at the female voice, quirking an eyebrow at seeing that mortal woman Thor is obsessed with talking to me. Jane. "Indeed? Did he show signs of intelligence for once?"

She hits my shoulder. My, she is feisty. Just like the blonde idiot she is currently dating. Hmm. Perhaps I can see what he sees in her now.

Oh. She's talking to me and I'm just standing there staring at her. Is this why Mother says I need to socialize more?

I clear my throat. "So. What strange occurrence happened to my... brother? He's not my brother by the way."

She ignores my last comment. "I can't say for sure... I'm a scientist but not, you know...a medical expert."

My eye twitches. As much as I want to deny it, she is causing me worry. Thor has been Of course, he hasn't been the same since the events of 2011. Neither have I. But... this is different.

I snap, "Do spit it out already!"

She huffs, angered by my tone. I smirk, but it vanishes at the news she delivers. "I have reason to believe the aether is inside Thor."

I have to pause and let it sink in. Oh. No. Fuck. "Shit."

She nods, lip wobbling just a little. I tilt my head. She is stronger than any mortal I believe I've met. She is taking this all... extraordinarily well. "Exactly. Now don't tell him I said-"

THUD. The space ship shakes, and I turn to see that Thor has collapsed onto the floor. He's trembling and his face is pale. Most disturbing of all is his eyes, glazed over like he's delirious.

"What's wrong with him?!"

I take over steering the ship, glancing with worry at my brother still on the floor.

"Thor? Please talk to me. Thor?!"

Zap! Jane gasps, jumping away from him. Thor is slowly standing up, face full of guilt. "Jane, have I hurt you? I'm so profoundly sorry."

Pfft. He's helpless. "Brother, I do believe you're whipped."

He responds by throwing something at me. I laugh. "See, mortal, he's feeling like himself again."

Once we arrive at the realm of the dark elves, it's battle royale. Thor battles with more viciousness than I've ever seen. Each swipe, each hit from Mjölnir, are all meant to not temporarily incapacitate, but fatally wound. Before, fighting was nothing but a sport to Thor. Even as he was stabbed and injured, he danced his own practiced choreography, jovially grinning at his enemy. You'd think they were friends.

But now, ever since New York, a smile is harder and harder to be able to catch on his face. His fist is constantly tightened on Mjölnir, to the point where I wonder how healthy the attachment really is.

I knew he depends on the idea of being worthy. It keeps him going, gives him his sense of identity. And that is the most dangerous weakness for him to have. It makes him utterly vulnerable, utterly dependent, like an addict to heroin. Take it away, and he'll crave and crave until he's torn his hair out from withdrawals.


Loki POV || After Odin dies

The last remnant of our father glimmers and drifts away. It isn't long before dark, ominous clouds are gathering in the sky.

Turning to Thor, I cautiously observe his angry stance. I'm startled to see his eyes turning dark. The aether. His emotions must be bringing it out. Or he's stopped holding back.

I make my voice even. "Brother..."

He begins to breathe heavily with suppressed rage. The glare he gives me as he turns his head sends chills down my spine. The tenor of his voice quakes with anger. "This was your doing."

My face an impassive blank mask, I don't respond. Behind us, a dark mass is manifesting out of thin air.

A woman dressed completely in black materializes out of thin air. We watch with bated breath as she determinedly marches towards us, malevolent smirk on her face.

I don my armor with a glimmer, while Thor strikes the earth, lightning flashing as his armor appears. Must he be so dramatic?

"You must be Odin's."

We glance at each other. Time to fight.

"I am Hela. Goddess of Death."

We stare at her, not knowing what to do. She definitely is not here on friendly terms.

The smirk widens. "Kneel."

Excuse me?! She is mistaken. I am in charge here. "I beg your pardon?"

Her tone turns threatening. "Kneel!"

Thor throws his hammer after spinning it. Hela's hand is outstretched. She catches it, stopping the weapon in its tracks.

Thor freezes, eyes on Mjölnir. I'm lost for words. How in the Norns is she so powerful?

Hela crushes Mjölnir in her bare hand, the hard-minted metal crumbling to the ground.

Thor whips out his swords, and I do the same with my daggers, ready to help him take her on. But it seems he has other plans.

Thunder is cracking through the sky, lightning wrapping around Thor's body like a cocoon. A bolt strikes Hela right in the chest, and she is temporarily knocked down. I use that chance to call the Bifrost.

Up into the Bifrost we go, zooming away faster than the speed of light. I'm very close to Thor now, close enough to see that his eyes are very dark, as if someone filled them with ink.

We crash land into Asgard, Thor stumbling and leaning on the center of the area, where Heimdall's sword is normally kept. I cautiously approach, noticing with concern how pale he is. "Brother?"

He lifts a shaking hand to his face, eyes glazed over. "I'm going to my quarters....alone...I need the dark..."

Getting a bad feeling, I follow him. "Thor... you're scaring me. You might want to look at your eyes.."

With more grace and a quicker snap in his step for such a large man, he whirls on me. His eyes are dark as ever. "Leave me alone, Loki."

I let him be, but the minute he leaves, I turn on my heel, almost crashing into Heimdall. He looks very different. His helmet is gone, leaving his dreaded hair free and long. The tattered clothing on him makes for a rather flattering look. He really rocks it. "That fit suits you, Heimdall."

He stares at me with raised eyebrows. "Why thank you. I've been on the run, had to be unrecognizable. I need to see your brother. And you need to come with, you are now the strongest seidr practicioner around here. We don't have your mother anymore."

I'm so comforted to have Heimdall around again that it hits me rather hard. I was just complimented for my magic. Fighting a pleased smile, I hurry to walk right by his side. "Right. Of course!"

When we enter Thor's chambers, it smells of ozone. I

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