Memory Reboot

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Lokius one shot. Them being together instead of that ending. Loki struggles with their mental state. Also Loki gets very hyper with coffee lol. Loki has BPD and also psychosis in this story that occasionally gets triggered and flares up. 

Mobius POV

I'm woken early by my alarm, stretching and anticipating my morning coffee. I see Loki cuddled up to me, and smile, remembering with gratitude the days we have ahead of us. 

I extricate myself from Loki's grip, sliding in a pillow to replace me. I watch with a smile as Loki smiles, mumbling in Asgardian.

An hour later, Loki joins me, making himself coffee. His hand hovers over the caffeinated stuff I stole from Earth that works opposite with ADHD, and I nod with a grin. He doesn't have to work today, therefore a caffeinated Loki won't wreak havoc. Besides, it's rather humorous to watch the caffeinated god. However, due to his already hyperactive nature, he can only have half a cup. 

Sure enough, the caffeine hits Loki, and he is laughing hysterically at the TV, bouncing on the cushions. I snicker into my tea. I myself only have one cup of coffee a day, mainly because of what the doctor said about my heart. Nothing serious...just some age related tachycardia. 

Later on, Loki decides to sweep his picture room. We decided to share a room and had an extra, so Loki dedicated it to his photographs of random people and things, and pictures of us. I truly get a good glimpse into Loki's mind when I go in; the pictures of themself are out of sight, covered by a curtain. The ones of me are everywhere, and have flowers and heart stickers by them. Casey, Bea, Sylvie, and even a dog he saw once are all by the windows. A photo of his family is also sadly covered by a curtain. 

The one time I saw Loki actually look at the photos of themself, they had the most troubled expression on their face. They stayed in bed afterwards, and then I found them with a pack of cigarettes on the porch. They'd been smoking for weeks before I found out. For now, they only smoke once a week, an improvement from half a pack a day. 

I'm reading the newspaper and listening to some old 90s records when I hear something break, and then angry yelling. I jump to my feet, finding Loki smashing the pictures of themself with the broom, face red, shaking a little, eyes very wide. 

I enact the Calm Loki protocol, first raising my hands in peace. "Loki, do you want to talk about it?"

Loki paces back and forth, shaking their head. "Monster, monster, 'm a monster. Monster, monster, I'm a monster."

I swear internally. It's been a month since Loki had a psychotic episode. They're getting more and more rare, but they still happen. 

Loki drops the broom on the floor, and I slowly amble over and take it, putting it back in the broom closet. When I get back, Loki is still pacing, still mumbling, green eyes wide and confused. "Mobius...Mobius...lock me up."

I shake my head. "The doors are already locked, Lokes. I won't let you do anything. I promise. Now, your hands are bleeding. You need to let me bandage them."

Loki gasps a little, looking at his bleeding palms. I shake my head in worry. This is a bad one. "What'd you do?"

Loki shrieks, "I TRIED TO PURGE THE MONSTER! They kept staring at me, they wouldn't stop Mobius!"

They sob then, arms over their head. I shush them, guiding the distressed trickster to the bathroom. They sink onto the chair we have just for this purpose, rocking a little. I hum a song they like as I clean their hands, bandage them, and then kiss for good measure. Loki smiles a little, albeit with teary eyes. I then cover up the mirrors with a simple tug of a string. I already had that in place just in case of sitting shiva, but it's gotten another purpose. The windows are next, knowing it's very likely Loki could start hallucinating faces in them soon. 

The two of us cuddle up on the sofa under a blanket. 

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