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Thor getting his powers at a young age and becoming the badass we know him as. 😁 I recently started listening to Mother Mother lol. It gave me song inspiration for this one shot lol. And some cute little kid Loki getting his powers too.

Thor POV

"Thor? Pay attention!"

I'm startled out of my daydream by the tutor. Loki giggles next to me. I kick him under the table. He's so smart, always so studious and winning over the instructors' affection. He's learning seidr from Mother. He can't fight well, but he's brilliant, not to mention he's amazing with words.

Me, on the other hand? Well... I'm still doing fighting lessons with a fake sword. They never let me actually fight. Hmph. 

I stare out the window, exhaling in despair. I want to be outside. Lately, I feel an agonizing aversion to being inside. The air inside is so stale and crusty. I swear I can taste it. No, I actually can taste it. I just know by instinct that being able to taste air isn't normal.

I hear something, the sound of distant wind howling in my ears. Oh yeah. That's been happening, too. Perhaps I'm actually going mad. It would explain a lot, frankly.

"Wake up, stupid. She's asking you a question."

Loki is poking my shoulder with his quill. My eye twitches as an uncomfortable tingling sensation takes over my entire body. Hel's gates, I'm really not liking this.

"I don't think my bwother is feeling well, Miss."

"Oh dear....Thor, do let me feel your forehead, boy..."

The air is crackling. Why does it suddenly smell so strange? Is the air pressure changing?

"It's stowming outside all of a sudden! That's weird! Is it ma-"

My chair is flipped over as I bolt out of the room in a confused panic.

"Thor, wait! Get back here, you rogue child!"

I'm tingling everywhere, my legs are unsteady, and damn, when did everything get so bright?

There's a great, creaking groan, and the banister I'm leaning on suddenly gives way. I yelp, immediately going into position to fall safely.

A million calculations go through my brain at once. In the span of a few seconds, I'm adjusting myself to fall safely, right on my feet.

Twenty feet later, I'm landing on both legs on the stairs below, no injuries detected. Thunder rings through the space like a gong.


My entire body suddenly erupts in tingling. My vision becomes blurry, amd suddenly I'm only seeing everything bathed in white, as if the color was drained away. What in the nine realms is happening to me?!

The light of the torches flickers and then goes out to be replaced by... lightning? Why would lightning be inside? Why do I feel so strange?


I hold my hands up in front of me, gasping in terror when I see lightning! I'm a lightning rod!

Falling to my knees in a sick panic, I clutch my chest as it suddenly becomes impossible to breathe. I'm going to die. I'm going to blow up Asgard! I'm going to... I'm going to.... I'm going to die!

It feels like a thousand years before I can breathe again. To my complete embarrassment, I feel tears on my face, hot and salty like seawater in summer.

I hear the guards running up, and my fear comes back. Who called them?!

"It was just a distressed child! Honestly, Bjarni!"

"Egil, shh! He's weeping! You're going to upset him!"

"That is no way to speak of the eldest prince!"

"He certainly doesn't look like a prince!"


They immediately back away in fright upon seeing my lightning. I hold back a grin. So it makes people leave me alone, huh? Nice!

"Is the King aware of this?..."

"Hey! Where are you going?!"

I brace myself to jump again, tilting my head to figure what angle I need to be at to jump twenty feet.

"What is he doing..."

"You know...those Óðinsson children are... strange... particularly this one..."

I run at the wall, vault off of it like a flying squirrel, and do a backflip in midair, landing fifteen feet higher on a banister.

Laughing with joy at my success, I climb off the banister and promptly fall right on my face.


"Thor, what happened earlier? Why did you leave class?"

Oh no. I'm in so much trouble. Loki is silent next to me, too silent in fact. Normally he would be silently giggling at me for getting chewed out. But right now he's staring at me rather oddly with his head tilted. Good to know that I'm not the only one going funny in the head. But then again, Loki has never been normal.

Shifting my feet, I answer. "I felt ill."

"What manner of illness causes you to bolt out of class?"

I avert my eyes so I don't have to look at Father. "I don't know, it sort of... happened."

The tingling sensation is back. Loki's eyes are going big and he's staring right at me. Father chuckles at Loki's odd antics. He's not harming anyone, really. I'd daresay it's a little cute.

"He keeps getting tingly. And headaches. Wight?"

What the...how did Loki know that?!  I knew he was smart, but goodness. It's a little freaky. "Yes. I have no idea how he knows that. Is that why you're following me around?"

Loki sheepishly nods. "Yeah. I can feel something awound you. I felt it when you made it lightning earlier."

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