Call Out My Name

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The day Thor gets the breakup note. 

Thor POV

I exit Jane's house, my steps heavy, my shoulders each weighing a thousand pounds, my face in a deep frown. 

falling for you was my mistake

I find myself on the roof, staring up the cloudy sky, Mjolnir clutched in my hand. With a glare at the clouds and the surrounding area, I thrust Mjolnir upwards, lifting myself off of the roof in a torrent of wind. I fly through the air, rain and hail and wind whipping my face. I welcome the pain, the ice tearing into me, until I can no longer distinguish real from fiction. 

The rest of the day, I fly and fly and fly until I'm in New York. I land on Avengers Tower, strolling right in after Jarvis recognizes me. 

"Hey, bud. Uh-oh. Okay, please don't kill me-oh. Uh...buddy, you want to talk about it?"

I down an entire bottle of booze, relieved at the burn in my throat and stomach. "Jane has broken up with me."

He pats my arm. "I'm sorry, Thor."

I shrug. I try to brush it off, even as I grab more alcohol, down it, grab more. Tony stops me as I'm beginning to sway on my feet. "Okay, okay. That was expensive ass liquor, and you just chugged it. You're done."

I nod. "Yes. I am very done."

"I'm glad you came to me, big guy. but we have to keep you safe. How'd you even get here?"

I mumble, "Flew."

"Through this weather? Though honestly, you caused it, right?"

I nod again. "I sure did."

The alcohol hits me like a truck. I underestimated a mortal, once again. I end up on the sofa, head whirling, the room spinning around me. I belch, and Tony snickers as I slowly sit up. "Tonyyy. The room...spinnin'."

"You're wasted, man. I told you not to drink so much."

My eyes cross. "No ya didn't."

"Baby, I got that wine for us. Oh. Oh! Why is he here? Thor?"

"Pep, Jane just broke up with him. And he just showed up here, I can't get rid of him. He;s way too drunk."

I feel immense guilt. " bedroom...not bother ya..."

I stumble to my bedroom, Tony and Pepper insisting on helping me. I thank them in what I hope is decipherable language and flop onto my bed, slipping to the floor. 


Tony POV

Thor is eventually put to bed, to both our relief. I stare at the three empty liquor bottles he cleared, shaking my head. "That man can hold his liquor pretty well."

"He's not exactly human, though, is he?" Pepper comments, pouring wine. I admire the rings on her fingers, also feeling pride. I put one of those there. 

I answer her, "Nope. He's a god."

"Is he the reason for the storm?" She settles onto a loveseat, and I join her, with my own wine glass she just poured. "You bet."

She winces. "Oh, he's real upset."

I sigh sadly. "He's not that old, really. I mean, yeah, he's 1500 or something, but just look at the guy. He's in a nineteen year old body. I think mentally he's somewhere around twenty."

Pepper thoughtfully swirls her glass. "Being so old, he probably grows deeper bonds with his loved ones. So he might have thought he had much longer with her."

I think about when Thor saw Loki again after thinking they were dead. It clearly rattled him, even if he didn't let on. "I think he feels really deeply but hides it."


Thor POV || the next morning

I wake at noon. 

My head is only killing me a little. I'm on the floor, bundled in my blankets. I flop my head back down upon remembering the events of yesterday. 

Knock knock. "Hey, buddy. Are you okay?"

I stumble to my feet, blanket wrapped around me, just to thrust a thumbs-up through a crack in the door. 

"Okay then."

I chuckle a little at him, even as I'm plotting his demise. I mumble to myself until I'm suitably dressed in clothes Tony put for me here, garments that aren't too Midgardian but still let me fit in. I idly wonder where the billionaire got medieval clothing, before the headache worsens. 

I barely speak when I go down for breakfast, eating bacon and eggs. My mood doesn't lift with the calories like usual, and I instantly feel myself sink. The weather will be abysmal today...and it'll be my fault.

I stay in bed, very unlike a man of action such as myself. I stare at the window, watching birds, listening to them sing, knowing I may never do such a thing again. Singing was for showering with Jane, laughing as she lathered up her hair, admiring her unclothed body, trying to keep my lewd thoughts at bay only to get down with her, right in that little shower. 

My industrial size bed is the most comfortable it's ever been, and my mind is slippery and dark. I think over Loki, Mother, and now Jane, all who either died or dumped me via handwritten note. Tears sprout in the corners of my eyes, and I let them fall. Clouds gather outside. I shake my head, sitting up in fear. "No...please stop."

But my powers get out of control. Soon, it's windy and hail is falling, hitting the window like pebbles. I sniffle, my mind slipping further and further until, despite my best efforts, I feel myself plummeting into something dark, something uncontrollable. My breath won't come. I try to breathe, but it won't...where is the air? Is this room shrinking?!

I grab Mjolnir, my eyes searching frantically. I see a hairbrush, and I grab it, chucking it at the wall. When the senseless, disorganized action brings no relief, I truly slip. I sink to the floor, still struggling to breathe, my eyes clouded with tears, rocking in a ball. 

"...hey, hey. It's okay, Point Break. It's just me."

I can't see him, but I feel and hear him. I sob, "Stark, what is happening to me?!"

"Panic attack. Your body's in fight or flight, or...I guess, uh, freeze in your case. Bruce explained it to me, it's when your body goes back to primal defenses when it thinks you're in danger. But there's no danger."

I sniffle, whimpering. "O-okay."

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