Entering The Island

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- Y/N POV -

"Ata girl," He said while ruffling my hair.

"Now go get some sleep it's a big day tomorrow,"

"Yes sir!" I say as I salute my Captain.


"Land ahoy!!" Yelled Dad as I felt something push against the ship, I think we made it to Neverland!

Once I got up out of my bed, I went to grab my sword and headed to the top deck. With my sword in dominant hand and adjusted it so that I can kill someone or thing as fast a possible.

"Hello mate,"

"Hey Dad , I can't wait to go into Neverland!"

"Ah, I understand but remember that we are only there to get a flower, to get my revenge on the Crocodile." I nodded in response.

"COME ON CREW LET'S GET THAT FLOWER! AND REMEMBER NOT TO COME ACROSS THE DEMON!" Dad yell's and all of the crew goes to get all of their weapons.

One by one all of the crew went off of the ship while Dad is with me. Dad, and I are the only ones still on the ship.

"Am I the 'best of the best'?" Dad asked, tilting his head.

"Well you're is not the worst now, are you?" I asked Dad chuckled at my response/question.

"I guess not,"

The island looks like a big triangle with fog surrounding the island. It look's amazing, but it's also really dangerous.

"Shall we?" Dad asks while he gestures with his hook in the direction that the rest of the crew went.


"I think we should turn back," Y/n suggests, "It's getting dark," I did not think she was scared of the dark.

Or maybe it's not the dark she is scared of.

"Ya, you go back to the ship and if I do not come back in 2-3 hours send the crew looking for me." She nods on responds. Then run's back to the Jolly Roger.

It has been 1-2 Hours since Y/n ran back to my ship I wonder if she is ok? What if Pan got her? What if she was kidnapped by the Lost Boys? Almost on cue Pan came into sight.

"Captain, it has been a long time." He says while walking toward me.

"Not long enough." I say a little annoyed that I had to come here for a bottle of magic, to kill the Crocodile.

"Did your crew find that 'Flower'?" Pan asks while making air quotes when saying 'Flower'.

"You know why I came here," I say sternly.

"Yes, I know you are looking for the Dreamshade, correct?"


"So that you can get revenge on Rumpelstiltskin?"

At this point I think that he knew that I was coming. But I don't think he knows about Y/n, and let's hope he won't find out. Or not soon at least.

"By the way-" Pan started "Y/n is very gorgeous, and you raised her really well," Once he said that he flew away, so I headed back to my ship. How does he know about Y/n? She probably got lost in the forest. But that does not make it any better, I can NOT have my daughter anywhere near that-that DEMON!!!

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