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I woke up, curled around my tiny human. I smile and nuzzle my nose in her hair, breathing in her sent. I sigh in contentment, she is adorable but she can control the elements, which will come in handy. Y/n turned around, wrapping her arms around my waist, I pull her onto my chest with her head in the crook of my neck, as she likes it.

"Mmm, Peter," She mumbled, kissing my neck. I rubbed her back with one hand while the other was holding her head lightly and playing with her hair.

"Shh, Lost Girl, go back to sleep," I whispered, she nodded and kissed my neck one more time before going back to sleep. I just lay there, staring at the ceiling with my darling laying on my lap, and the boys are probably playing outside.

There was a light knock on my hut door and Simon emerged from the crack in between the door and the wall of my hut, he slowly walked toward the bed. He fiddles with his fingers and looks at the floor until he made it to the bed.

"Um, Pan, can I join you and Y/n in your bed?" He asks, I look at Y/n and slowly nod my head, knowing that Y/n would have said yes. And that Simon would not have come to us unless it was something bad.

"Sure Simon, come here," I say, opening one of my arms for him to crawl. He smiles and nods before cuddling close to me and Y/n.


I wake up and see Simon still in his place under my arm, and Y/n is laying on her stomach on my chest with one of her hands around my neck and the other is being cuddled in Simon's hands. I smile and look towards the door to the hut and see all of the boys smirking at us, I sigh, knowing that I won't hear the end of it from Felix and Devin.

I was about to get up when Y/n whined into my neck, her breathing becoming quicker, and tears were becoming visible. I looked down at her and pulled her closer before leaning back down on the bed. I glare at the boys and used magic to shut the door in their faces, luckily Y/n didn't wake up but Simon did, he started to stir and a few seconds later he opens his eyes.

"Morning, Simon," I whisper, he cuddles closer to Y/n's hand and whispers back.

"Monin' Pan," He whispered, I chuckled. Y/n whined and woke up gasping for air, she got up from the bed and ran to the camp. I got up and picked Simon into my arms, running after my Lost Girl, when we made it to the campsite, she was panting and some of the boys were staring at her while others jogged towards her and helped her gather her balance.

"What? Are you ok? What happened?" I asked, she looked at me and smiled when she saw Simon in my arms. She took Simon and brought him tightly into her grip.

"I had a nightmare where the older boys were enslaved... the younger boys were on the brink of death... and- and you, Devin, Felix, and Nathan were all chained in front of me and the pirates were torturing everyone they could find on the island. A few minutes later, after they had taken most of the boys out of my sight, Henry's family appeared and started laughing while I- I- I was chained to a tree with unbreakable chains." Y/n started sobbing while the boys all stared at her with sad and worried looks.

"But that wasn't the end after they had dragged you guys from my view, they were walking past with the boys' dead bodies. After they had taken all of the Lost Boys and burned their bodies, they brought in your body, Peter. I could do nothing but scream and cry, I felt useless," She continued, she fell to the ground, sobbing. I could feel tears about to fall down my face, blurring my vision. I hate seeing her like this, all of the boys hate seeing her like this.

The island was becoming clouded, and the only thing that could be heard was her sobs. The wind stopped blowing, and the waterfall could not be heard in the distance.

I nodded for the younger boys to cuddle her, and they did, they cuddled close and 'hushed' her.

Eventually, she calmed down, cuddling all the younger boys in her arms. She looked up at me and I smiled sadly at her, Devin and Nathan walked towards her and started to tell her how important she is to the group and how much she does for the Lost Boys.

Felix walked over to me and patted me on the back, he smiled sadly at me before looking over at the Lost Boys and their sad faces.

"Nobody wants to see her like this, she is usually so happy and nice. But this nightmare must have felt so real for her to feel this way," Felix said, I nodded and pulled him into a hug which he returned without hesitation.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now