A Distraction *

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- Y/N POV -

I fall onto the bed with a certain king of Neverland straddling my legs, he leans down and starts kissing my neck feverishly. I lean my head down onto the bed, feeling my breath become heavy from the sudden change in mood.

"Peter, calm down, I'm not going anywhere," I say, he looks up at me with a lustful grin before slowly lowering back down and nibbling at my neck once more, but this time a little less excited.

"P-Peter," I try to say, he runs his hands along my body, his touch ecstatic against my skin. Peter uses his magic to make both of our clothes disappear in a shimmer of green. I moan, the feeling of his skin against mine was so calming yet exciting at the same time.

"Shh little Lost Girl, you're going to stay quiet or do I have to gag you?" Peter asks, my eyes widen. One, why does Peter want me to be quiet if he knows that he's just going to remove the gag afterwards to kiss my lips. Two, both of those options seem like a challenge. I shift on the bed, staring into Peter's forest-green eyes as his pupils dilate. To other people, Peter would be very dangerous when he's lustful or angry or sad... or any other emotion than happy. But luckily for me, I'm not like other people and Peter wouldn't hurt me intentionally.

"Calm down, Peter, you can take your ti-" I start but Peter started teasing my pussy halfway through my sentence, he knew that I would stop enjoying the pleasure he is giving me.

And boy I am enjoying it.

"What if I don't want to take my time?" Peter teases, I flip us over and trap his hands above his head with one of mine while the other is travelling along his body. He sighs when my hand rests on his cock, his breath hitches and his eyes snap shut.

"You think I'll make it easy for you?" I ask, Peter's eyes fling open at my words. He started grinding his hips up against mine.

"I'm in control, you're just sitting on my lap," Peter explains making me chuckle, I grind my hips against him and he moans instantly, I smirk.

"Oh really?" I tease, and he nods. His head falling back against the pillow he was laying on, I smile at the sight in front of me. "Aww, look at you, my darling Lost Boy," I coo, Peter looks at me before latching his hands onto my waist, trying to control my movements.

"Ah ah ah, no, bad Never Peter," I growl, he starts chuckling. I narrow my eyes and grind harder, he bucks his hips, wanting more friction.

"Mmm," Peter tried to talk, I lean down and start stroking his cock with my hands, and he looks down at me, pleasure is written all over his face.

"I told you~," I practically sing, his breath becomes heavy as he tries to push me off of him without minimizing the satisfaction he's getting. Even though he knows that he would lose all the satisfaction being given to him if we did that.

"I'm supposed to be-" He groaned halfway through his sentence, he took a deep breath before continuing his sentence, "-satisfying you~" Peter whines, and I smile at him.

"But I wanna-"

"No," Peter whines, making me chuckle.

Knock knock

I sigh, getting off of Peter, he magics me some clothes right before I open the door. Felix and Devin. The Lost Boys standing in front of me smirked, Felix looked over my head a little and his brows raised slightly, Devin was trying to distract me from noticing Felix.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" I ask, Devin brought his sword up and rested it on his shoulders with his arms holding it in place.

"You seem to be giving a lot of pleasure to our leader," Devin says, I look back at Peter and see he's glaring at the boys.

"Yes, and if you don't go so I can continue, I'll have to ask Peter if he can give you guys extra training," I say bringing my head back to look at them. The boys seemed surprised by my words, but they know that Peter would be happy to oblige my request.

"Ok, you can get back to our leader," Felix said, holding his hands up silently saying 'I surrender' with his hands. I walk back into Peter, closing the door behind me.

"I'm back, little Lost Boy," I say, Peter whines.


Peter and I kept switching roles as we had our sex session and pulled multiple orgasms from each other, right now Peter's on top and was about to pull another orgasm from my body. He rubs his thumb on my clit, his cock thrusting deep inside me, as he nibbles my neck and whispers praises.

"Peter, I-mm d-don't think I can last-" I was interrupted by my lover as he leans closer and whispered into my ear.

"Shh, it's ok, I'm here. Cum for me, my darling," Peter whispers, I scream his name as my orgasm hits me, my back arching, head pushed into the pillow, nails dragging along Peter's back making sure to leave marks, and clench hard on Peter. Peter groans, his orgasm hitting him too.

When we both calm down, Peter stays inside me but lays down on me. His head resting on my collar bone, he kisses it before we take a little nap.

(Not that I'm going to end it soon, but how would you guys like me to end the story?)

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