Tickle Battle - Part 1

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I keep walking until I'm standing in front of Y/n, I lean in and whisper in her ear, "Do you want to tickle me in front of the boys," She shakes her head, "Do you still want to tickle me?" She nods her head. I lean back and smirk down at her while grabbing her and throwing her over my shoulder. I start bringing her to a more comfortable area. She starts to protest and wack my back with her fists.

I put her down on the down with her back laying flat against the dirt, I smirk down at her once more before I call to get the boys' attention. "How about we start with you getting tickled, then we'll see about you tickling me," I tell her at just the right about of sound to grab the boys' attention.

She looks up at me with wide eyes before she starts to get off the ground. I call for Felix and tell him to grab her wrists, he does as he's told without any complaining. Clearly, I'm not the only one who wants to know if and where Y/n is ticklish. I tell Devin to grab her ankles and he does that in less than a minute, then Simon and Cubby come running up to me.

"Can we help?" Simon asks, Cubby nods his head furiously while the other younger boys agree. Then Y/n starts to protest again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I let you guys tickle the others," She tells them, Simon and Cubby turn to face her with wide grins. "I betrayed them for you guys!"

"Well, yes you did. But we wanna know where you're ticklish," Cubby tells her, she shuts her mouth and tries to pull her hands down but Felix is stronger than her. She only wins their duels because of her size and reflexes, but Felix wins at that if it comes down to strength.

"Sorry, Y/n. You gotta keep your hands up," Felix teases her, she lays her head back and waits. I walk over to her and sit down on her waist, she makes a dramatic 'oof' sound making me chuckle.

I run my fingers lightly along her sides, making her take a sharp breath in, nervous giggles were already leaving her lips in anticipation. I wiggle my fingers a little making giggles spill from her lips, I nod at Simon and Cubby. Silently telling them that they should go on either side of Y/n and continue to do what I'm doing, they nod in response and do it.

Y/n's giggles became louder as Simon and Cubby wiggle their fingers along her sides, making her arch her back and try to wiggle out of their tickly grasp but when she goes one way the other just follows her. After a few more minutes of that, I dig my fingers into her stomach. Trying different angles, seeing which will produce the most laughter out of Y/n.

Eventually, I found under ribs. She squeals, making some of the boys have to cover their ears.

- Y/N POV -

I laugh as Simon and Cubby tickle my sides and Peter tickles my stomach, a few minutes after Peter moved his hands to under my ribs, I felt little strokes at the soles of my feet. I tug at my feet, trying to avoid the touch.

"DEHEHEVIHIHIN!!" I yell at him while looking down only to see Peter smirking at me.

"What?" Devin asks, I tilt my head back and glare up at Felix, he chuckles in response. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to ignore the ticklish feeling all around my body.

"Hey boys," Peter calls out, I do my best to ignore it but what Peter says next makes my eyes shoot open, "Who else would like to tickle Y/n?"

I shout protest after protest to stop Peter and the boys from tickling me but when I felt about five more pairs of hands wiggling and lightly scratching at different spots on my body, I squeal. Kicking my legs, pulling my hands down, twisting my body side to side, trying anything and everything to get away from all of the greedy/tickly hands.

(Sorry for not posting, I'm trying to post more but its not really working so I'll still do my best)

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