Not Willing? Going Forcefully

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- Y/N POV -

I jump awake when I hear a crash coming from outside, rushing out of my bed and grabbing Peter's extra dagger, I look out the window and see... Dad? What's he doing here? I thought he left with his new girlfriend since Henry was killed.

"Where is she?" He whispered, going over and looking inside Felix's hut. I tilt my head and then see him turn and walk closer to mine and Peter's hut, where I'm standing in.

"This is the last one, hopefully, she's here." Slowly Dad opens the door and immediately grabs my wrist with the dagger. "Found you, daughter,"

"What do you want?" I snarl, glaring at him, he grabs the other hand and blindfolded me.


I feel myself getting thrown onto a hard wooden floor, then hear a voice say, "Hey! She's still my daughter, don't you dare hurt her!"


What's he doing here? He was acting so rude, so unlike himself, I'd never seen him like that before. I don't understand why or what he's doing, hopefully, he won't harm me. I feel a hand wrap around my upper arm tightly and I feel someone yank me from the wooden floor, pushing me forward and I stumble for a few steps.


"Yes, Captain?" I hear a similar voice say, I stutter when hearing the voice.

"M- Mr. Smee?"

"Yes?" He asked, I feel my head fall forward.

"Where am I?" I stuttered, I can tell he was unhappy with this. "Am I going to be hurt?"

"N-no..." He says and I hear him crouch down in front of me, he then whispers in my ear, "Ever since you chose to be with the Lost Boys and Pan, your father has gone a little mad... none of the crew are happy about it but aren't doing anything about it. He thought that having you back would fix it, even I thought that but you've been sitting here for half an hour and nothing changed about your father. We're all worried for him,"

"Well, he did kidnap me... right?" I ask, tilting my head, he whispers yes and I feel myself sink into the wall and feel sad.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now