Telling Peter

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As Felix and I parted from our embrace, we looked back and saw the boys still around Y/n and frankly she didn't seem to mind the attention. They told her how much they needed her and how they needed her to work all together like me.

"Y/n, come on, let's get you back to bed," I say, she gets up and slowly walks towards me with a nod and a thin-lipped smile.

- Y/N POV -

Time slowly passed and Henry's and my family didn't leave the island, and neither did my nightmares but I didn't tell Peter. I didn't want to worry him, so I kept them to myself... but that only made them worse.

As the nightmares got worse, the people and plot in the nightmare slowly changed over time. The pirates soon became Henry's family and they started forcing me to kill or harm my Lost Boys. I can't take it anymore, I would always wake up in the middle of the night all sweaty and jumpy.

The boys are playing 'Truth or Dare' around the fire, everyone is included but the people who didn't want to play include Felix, Peter, and me. Felix and Peter are talking in one of the corners of camp but still able to see everyone, while I am sitting in my thinking tree on my favourite branch.

I turn my head to look away from the camp and the bright lights from the fire, I see a bush moving in the distance and a piece of white cloth. I quickly jump down from my tree, run to Peter and Felix, and tell them what I saw.

"Who might have a cloth?" Felix asked and they both looked at me.

"Wow!" As my eyes widened at their accusation, I held my hands up, "Why would I have a white cloth? To clean my always messy hands?"

"Not exactly..." Peter says while shaking his head, he would know if I did and who I would use it on.

"Then who would have a white cloth?" Felix asked, we looked over at the boys and the boys were still sitting around the campfire.

"Regina Mills," We say in unison as we turned back to each other, all three of our faces had different expressions. Mine had fear, Felix had a face of distress but loyalty, and Peter's expression was strong but he was trying to hide his timidness.

"Peter," I asked Peter, he looked toward me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Yes, love?" Peter asked, kissing my head.

"Can we talk privately?" I whispered, I felt Peter nod against my head and we started walking to my thinking tree. We climbed the tree and sat on a branch that was not too far up the tree so we could hear the boys, but high enough that we can see all of camp and anything or anyone that might attack us.

"What did you want to talk about, darling?" Peter whispered, sitting his back against the trunk of the tree with his legs hanging off the sides. He grabbed my waist and pulled my back against his chest, nuzzling his head into my neck.

"The nightmares," I said but it was barely over a whisper, Peter nodded against my neck and started placing kisses on any patch of skin that he could reach with his lips. "They keep coming back and I don't know why... Maybe because I'm worried about the boys, or the pirates. But I've never been afraid of pirates before,"

"Has anything changed about the nightmares?" Peter whispered into my neck, I could feel the vibrations of his voice against my skin. I told Peter about the changes that have happened since the last time I told him about them, and how they've changed over time.

"Well, it could be because of Henry's family...?" Peter suggested, slowly letting a smile form as I look at the boys below us.

"Could be," I muttered, resting my arms on top of Peter's, letting my body rest and lean into his touch.

"How about I help take your mind off of Henry's family?" Peter whispered in a seductive voice. I smirked, knowing what he meant by that.

"Oh? And how would you do that?" I tease, turning my head to look at him.

"With a little help from my magic and our bed," Peter whispers, I chuckle.

"Does Felix know?" I asked, leaning back and giving Peter a peck on the lips.

"Know of..." Peter's voice trailed off as he talked.

"Us?" Peter chuckled, wiggling his fingers against my sides, as a result making me start giggling from the sudden intrusion on my ticklish sides.

"Darling, everyone on Neverland knows about us," Peter whispered, stopping his attack on my sides.

"How were you going to shift my thoughts away from Henry and his family, again?" I teased, turning around and straddling his lap.

"Oh right," Peter remembered, resting his hands on my hipbones. He leans forward and passionately kisses me, pulling me onto his lap once more but this time facing him. "Hmm, tree or bed?" Peter asked between kisses.

"You pick,"

"Bed it is," Peter whispered, before teleporting us to our hut.

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