I'm On Top This Time - Part 1 *

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- Y/N POV -

Peter carried me back to our hut with a smile on his face, I knew exactly what we were going to do when we made it back to our hut.

"You were wonderful, princess," Peter praised me, I blushed and hid my face in his chest. Peter chuckled and continued to walk, soon we made it to our hut.

Peter closed the door behind us and threw me on the bed, I giggled when I stopped bouncing from the amount of impact. "You're not going to try and escape, are you, princess?" Peter asked me, I shrugged my shoulders and smirked. Peter narrowed his eyes and decided not to take any chances, so he locked the door and hid the key with a smirk forming on his face too.

Slowly Peter made his way over to me, I bit my lip wanting to be on top this time since I have only been on top for 1 time and that was only for about 5 or 10 minutes until Peter took over.

I sat on the bed and watched as Peter sat on the bed next to me, with a smirk on his handsome face. I took a deep breath and asked my question. "Peter, can I be on top this time?"

"Of course princess, all you had to do was ask," Then Peter laid down on the bed with his head laying on the pillows, "And feel free to use the any of the things in the drawers of my desk," I nodded and headed towards Peter's desk.

I opened the drawer and saw; some pencils, paper, three rags, and a few other things. I looked back a Peter and asked "Anything?"

Peter nodded and said "Anything," with a smirk on his face.

I reached into the drawer and grabbed two of the rags, then slowly made my way back to Peter with a smirk of my one on my face. Peter looked at me like I was crazy and the most beautiful thing in the world at the same time, I giggled and said "You did say anything,"

"True, I did but I didn't think you were going to," Peter said then chuckled at the end. I grabbed his hands and tied them together, then I used the other rag to tie Peter's wrists to the headboard.

"Now, time to get rid of those clothes of yours," I said with a smirk on my face

"And how exactly are you going to do that if my hands are tied to the headboard?" Peter asked smugly. I closed my eyes and imagined Peter's shirt in my hand, I opened my eyes and Peter's shirt was in my hand just how I imagined it, I looked back at the shirtless Peter and smirked.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying Peter?" I purred in his ear, I licked it then backed up into a sitting position with a smirk still on my face.

I scooted down and sat on Peter's legs, and started to lightly rub around the insides of Peter's thighs. Peter moaned, my smirk grew every time he did, I moved my hands closer to his cock.

"Y-y/n~" Peter whined, I looked at him with a questioning look while I put more pressure on Peter's thighs.

"Yes?" I asked in the most innocent tone I could do right now, then I tilted my head.

"M-mmm," Peter murmured, pushing the back of his head against the pillow.

"'Mmmm' What?" I asked teasingly, leaning closer to Peter, bringing us nose to nose. Peter pushed farther against the restraints, seeming to be trying to kiss me. I pulled away making Peter glare at me, I giggled and leaned closer to Peter letting our lips collide together. I felt Peter push his tongue into my mouth, I opened my mouth feeling Peter's tongue explore every part of it. Peter devoured every noise that I made. I pulled away and saw how Peter leaned forward, not wanting the kiss to end (as usual).

I giggled and watched as Peter tried to escape the restraints without breaking them, seems like he does want me to be on top this time. "What Peter? Not getting what you want?" I asked and scooted back down Peter's body. My right hand went to lightly scan Peter's body while my left hand went down to Peter's--

Knock knock

I whipped my head towards the door, then back down to Peter with a devilish smirk forming on my face. I leaned down and whispered into Peter's ear, "I'll be right back little Lost Boy, don't try to escape," I called that last part as I made my way to the door.

I opened the door and came face to face with the interrupter Devin. I tilted my head while my eyebrows stitched together, earning a smirk from Devin.

"What's up?" I asked. Devin leaned against the side of the tent while answering my questions, "I need to talk with Pan,"

"Peter's a little busy a the moment," I said while looking back at the bed with a trapped Peter Pan on it. "But, if you want I could send a message?" I offered, Devin nodded

"Well, the boys were wondering if we're going to do something. Or just hang around?"

"I'll tell Peter and get back to you as soon as possible,"

"Thanks, sweets," Devin said then ran over to the older boys. Did I forget to mention that Devin calls me 'sweets' when Peter's not around, well he does and it can be annoying or sweet depending on the situation.

Once Devin left, I went back inside my tent and watched as Peter's eyes trailed on my every movement. I smirked and slowed down my movements watching as Peter leaned wanting me to speed up my actions. "Is someone getting impatient?" I asked Peter nodded rapidly, I giggled and sped up my walking to a normal speed. "Well, you're going to have to wait a little longer," I said and sat on the edge of the bed, Peter pouted.

I ran my hand along the side of his face, Peter leaned into my touch as much as possible. I rested my head on his chest while I moved my hands down next to my head, lightly rubbing his stomach.

"The boys are getting bored, and are wondering if they should be doing their chores or if they should be relaxing?" I whispered and licked Peter's stomach, I felt him tense under my tongue.

"Mmmm, I don't care what they're doing right now, as long as they are not interrupting us," Peter moaned, I smiled and got up from my spot on Peter. Peter made a sad noise, moving all of his body towards me. I pecked his lips and made my way over to the door. I turned back around and looked at Peter. "I'll be right back, my little Lost Boy," I said then left the tent.

"So, a little birdy told me that you guys are bored." I started, all the boys whipped their heads to look in the direction of the new voice, my voice. I walked closer to the group of boys and continued, "Peter said that as long as you guys are not burning down the camp, and you don't kill anyone you guys can do whatever you want." When I finished what I was saying, the boys cheered.

I smiled and made my way back to mine and Peter's tent. When I opened the door I saw that Peter was still in the same position that I left him in.

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