The Deal

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"Who might this be, Rumple?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and pointing to the woman next to him.

"Belle, my girlfriend," He answers, taking a step closer to me and my boys, putting an arm in front of her silently telling me that she's not a part of this. "Speaking of which, how's yours doing? I don't see her with you,"

"Yeah, where is your little Lost Girl? Is she lost?" The Evil Queen asked, I turned to her and rose a brow with a bored expression.

"Not the best one you could have done," I say, letting my boys slowly wander throughout the shop, blocking all exits. "We have a deal for you," I start before looking at Belle and saying, "Pleasure, also I didn't want to kill him, I just had to, to keep Neverland safe." Then look back at Rumple.

"Does it involve your 'Lost Girl'?" The 'Savior' asked, I turned to her and nodded. "Alright, we're listening,"

"Well I hope so," I hear Devin whisper to another Lost Boy behind me, I pretend that I didn't hear him and start talking.

"A drop of Dreamshade for our Lost Girl," I say, knowing that they're gonna wanna up the deal, like come on just a few drops will kill someone but they'll want more than that.

"A cup of Dreamshade for your Lost Girl," Hook says, he's bargaining for something that'll cost him his daughter. After he's gotten her back? Huh...

"Two drops of Dreamshade for our Lost Girl, final offer," I say, raising my chin.

"Dreamshade first," Hood says, I sigh and turn to the boys, we walk out of the shop.


It's now night time and the boys and I haven't left Story Brook to get the Dreamshade, they really think we're just going to give them the Dreamshade? Fools. The boys and I are sitting in a circle in the forest near the neighbourhood, coming up with plan after plan, thinking of backup plans, with ifs, etc.

We split into two groups, Felix is in charge of one of them, Devin is in charge of the other while I'm on my own. Felix and his group are going to walk around and make the inhabitants of the neighbourhood think we're stumped, not knowing what to do next. On the other hand, Devin and his group are going to sneak around and scavenge some of the more hidden houses, food, clothes, cooking pots or pans, anything that'll help.

As I flew in the night sky, my eyes scanning everything that moves, then, I see Hook walk with Emma -or the 'Savior.'- to his ship with a smirk on his face. They walk together, her hand in the crook of his arm. I lower down to listen in on their conversation.

"Well, I guess we have to see her." He said, looking at the trapdoor on the floor.

"I think so, I mean she is your daughter," Emma said and Hook opened the trapdoor.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now