In CaSe I FinD yoU *

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- Y/N POV -

When I came back from my walk,  I hear cheer's and yell's so I walk to the cheering. Once I reach the source of the cheering, I see the Lost Boy's dancing around the campfire, then I look to my left I see Pan playing his pipe. I put my sweater/hood down in my hut, and decided to join the rest of the group. When I made it to the 'main area' campsite, I sit down on a log.

Pan must have noticed, and put down his pipe --but the Lost Boy's kept dancing like the music kept playing-- and started walking over to me.

"What's wrong darling?" Pan asked

"I miss my Father" I say while staring at my hand's wishing that my Father was here, even though I know that he left on the Jolly Roger.

"Well, would you like a drink?" Pan asked holding a cup of alcohol offering it to me.

" . . . Fuck it, Fine" I said while grabbing the cup.

"That's my Lost Girl" Pan said while handing me the cup and smiling.


The Boy's and I have been Partying for over an 2 hours and now all of the Lost Boy's, Pan, and I are all drunk.

"HeLLo lOvE" Pan said

"hElLo pAn" I blurted out

"WoULD yOu LiKe To PlAy A gaMe?" Pan asked

"sUre, WhaT'z It CaLLed?" I asked

"In CaSe I FinD  yoU" Pan answer

"M'K, hOw Do I pLaY?" I asked

"YoU, lOvE" He said while pointing at me, then he continued. "wiLL hAvE 7 miNeTes tO hiDe, aNd if I fInD yoU iN 10, LoVe, wE will pLay A diFFerent gAme" Then he came close so that now his mouth is almost touching my ear. ". . . Run" and with that I took off, looking for a hiding spot. Soon I found a whole about 8 maybe 9 feet deep, If I get in Pan might have to help me get out. Oh what the hell. Then I hopped in the whole. Once I hid, about 5 minutes later, Pan looked into my little whole.

"HellO LoVe" Pan said while looking at me.

"Hi PaN" I said while waving up at him. "Do YoU mInd?" I asked, then Pan teleported right beside me, after that he grabbed my waist, pulled me in and then teleported us to his hut.

- Pan POV -

I waited about 12 minutes until I started 'searching' to find Y/n of course, Y/n must have forgotten or must not have known that I can sense where the people are. After the 10 minutes I told Felix that he needed to keep an eye on the lost Boy's while I am gone. And he just nodded in response, as usual.

Then I started to 'search' for Y/n, I was walking around when I stumbled/found a hole that looked to be 8 feet deep. That looked like it was capable of a tiny person in it, so I looked inside.

Guess who I found? Y/n.

When I looked over I said "HellO LoVe"

"Hi PaN" She said while waving up at me. "Do YoU mInd?" she asked, then I teleported right beside her, after that I grabbed her waist, pulled her in and then teleport us back to my hut.

                                     ***SMUT WARNING (very detailed)***

Once we made it I pushed her up against the wall and smashed my lips against hers. Almost automatically she kissed back, and then I started to kiss her neck. Which made her moan and that made me smirk while my lips were against her neck. After just kissing I started to desire more, and by the sounds of her trying to hold in her moans she also wanted more.

So I ripped off her shirt and pinned both of her wrists above her head and with the sudden action she gasped with how fast I moved and changed her position. Kissed her again on the lips then made my way down to her breasts and rubbed them thru her bra, while saying "YoU'rE All MiNe" this received a moan from her, but not one of the small quiet ones, a long louder one. Course I was still drunk but not as much as her and I still hade most control over my body, I just had the 'drunk confidence' as Devin put's it.

After I picked her up and threw her on my bed. Which made her squeal at the sudden movement.

- Y/N POV -

After he picked me up and threw me on his bed, and I squeal with the sudden movement. Then he took off his shirt and threw it on the floor.

"YoU'rE All MiNe" Pan said again begore smashing his lip's on mine for the second time. And I kissed back automatically, and pulled away just to antagonize him and make him want me more.

"R YoU sUrE?" I asked while looking up at him, then he adjusted so that now he is straddling me.

"yEs" Pan said

"R yOu SuRe, I aM nOt fEliX'S?" I asked knowing that this would get on his nerves. Then he growled in response.

"You are MINE, and no one else's" Pan said in a serious voice then smashed his lips once more. Then moved down again to my neck, then unclipped my bra and took it off. After he started to rub my left breast and suck my right one. Which made me moan loud, and then he switched breasts.

Then I flipped him over, so now I am straddling him. "Patience Pan, Patience" I say now I am a little less drunk and have more control over my body.

After I was on-top I started to kiss and suck on Pan's neck. And that made him moan, which made me smirk and feel better about myself, why? Idk but I am.

                                                             ***SMUT OVER***

Then we heard a knock on the door, and we both whipped our heads around to look at the door. Then Pan threw me a new shirt and put his on while I was doing the same thing.

Pan went to the door and started to talk to the Boy. After he looked back at me and said "Stay here darling, I have to do something." So I did as I was told


Once I put my shirt on and see who's at the door. It's Felix.

"Felix what's the news?" I asked

"We found the Boy with The Heart Of The Truest Believer"

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now