Can I Call You Peter?

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- Y/N POV -

I wake up with arms around my waist and breath on the back of my neck. The breath is warm and soothing with a nice pattern and tempo. Then I felt a kiss on my neck, "Good-morning darling" I heard Peter say.

"Good-morning Peter" I said in a groggy voice. "Do you mind if I call you Peter or do you want me to still call you Pan?" I asked still trying to wake up by still staying in Peter's grasp.

"Call me whatever you would like darling." Peter said

"So I can call you Peter?" I asked and Peter nodded against my neck. "So what about me calling you 'Mr. King Of Neverland'?" I asked and Peter chuckled against my neck.

"Only when I need to be cheered up." Peter said.

"What if I call you that when you're happy?" I asked, that made Peter chuckle once more. "Sure love" He said then started to lightly kiss my neck like butterflies landing on my neck. Which makes me giggling while saying "S-S-Sto-o-p I-t Pe-eter"

Then he stopped only to whisper into my ear. "I don't think you want me to." Then he started to kiss my neck again. Not only did he continue to kiss my neck, but he also started to tickle me. Now I am laughing like crazy, I am kicking my leg's and trying to escape Peter's grip, but it was no use Peter is to strong.

"P-P-et-t-ter~" I whine, while trying to escape Peter.

"Yes love?" Peter Asked

"P-Pl-l-eas-" I try to say then I burst out laughing. Yep, Peter definitely has a soft spot for me. And Peter probably knows all of my weaknesses. Then there was a knock at the door. Man these boys have terribly timing.

Then Peter got up and made his way towards the door, but just before he got off of the bed completely he straggled me over my waist and whispered in my ear "You. Are. Mine. Darling." then got off of me and gestured for me to leave the tent. So I did as I was told and left Peter with Felix. Felix need's to work on his timing, Peter and I were about to have some fun.

(Could you guys give me more ideas to put in the book?)

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