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"Come on, princess~" I purr trying to get Y/n to get up. But in response, Y/n's face is becoming as red as a tomato.

Then I decided to try a different technique, and un-crouched from my spot and turned over to Y/n's dresser. When I arrived at her dresser, I opened it and let my eyes look around her dresser.

My eyes were not looking for something random, what they were looking for something that Y/n could were that I would not only like but also something that made her look cute. This trip that we are about to head off on, we will need the younger Lost Boys to keep up their happy attitude. I can already tell that they will have a heard time, especially since they don't usually go hunting or on patrol. So this will be especially for them, I thought maybe that they could use some motivation.

My eyes widened when I saw it, forest green overalls with a grey shirt. Or course the walk will be a little hard to do when she has no shoes. I looked back over to the bed and saw that Y/n has sat up and her black sneakers were on the floor near the end of the bed. I grabbed the overalls along with the shirt, a bra, underwear, socks, and a sweater.

Just in case. I thought to myself as I grabbed the sweater and put it on my arm along with the other clothes and made my way back over to my little Lost Girl.

"Come on love, you know that the Loat Boys and I don't like waiting." I said trying to get her to get ready but in response I got a joke.

"What are you going to do? Dress me?" She joked, I raised a brow and smirked.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now